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Haste, Anxiety, Concern, Fear and Overthinking.

Five words which could clearly describe Nakul’s  Current State of mind . Never in his life he thought that he’ll be making Hasty decision without any prior thought just for The sake of this one person .

The always Calm and Composed Nakul Dixit was filled will all sought of emotions in these longest 11 hours of his life .

Hearing her sob’s he couldn’t wait but command his secretary to get his Flight prepared, Spend any amount of money but he had to reach to her as soon as possible.

He was thinking about each possible situation that would be happening to his two closest people . Her heavy and crying voice made an imagery for his mind to see her tear stricken face and in Order to be with her he left everything, Every single thing behind which he might have planned for these last 11 hours .

Because What matters to him was her, Not the materialistic world, But her smile, The raising  corners of her lips which brought a twinkle in her eyes. The spark of Happiness and Joy .

Descending the stairs, the not so cool morning breeze of Kolkata touched his face, As If embracing him back after long months .

Just a couple of months it took for Akriti Verma to engrave a place in his heart ,  few months for him to get Dotty about her, For him to be addicted to her bickering and her non stop Talking .

Shaking his head out of all the Thoughts about Her and Her Misery, He rushed out, His steps had an urgency and his demeanor demanding .

He asked the driver to take him to the address which he had received from Pathak Uncle, His father’s friend, One of the trio .

The hospital lacked much crowd, must be because the Visiting hours had just started. The walls were of light blue shade and The reception desk was occupied by an older nurse who pursed her lips Every time she feed the entry into the computer .

“Excuse me? I’m here to meet Raghvir Verma” Nakul inquired His hands on the reception desk .

The lady looked up for a second to acknowledge his presence but got back to work .

“Room No. 108, 12th Floor, Third left” She chipped taking his required details for the visitor register .

“Thanks”  he muttered and took the way towards the Elevator .

Walking towards the said directions, He walked the aisle and came to  stop at The room . Taking a huge breath He knocked, waiting for a reply.
But came none, He walked in .

On the bed in front was a lone figure, His Vir Uncle sleeping with equipment’s both the sides and several tubes and wires attached to his hands and Chest .

He looked really weak, His body have succumbed to all the medicines and Machines . His face was covered by Oxygen mask which hinders the full view .

The walls were covered in the same Light blue paint, The Shaded curtains of White, Light blue and Dark blue covered the windows . The Side table near the bed was occupied with Files and Reports .

Nakul glanced at the other side of the room where a couch was kept, On which slept Akriti, Her face pale and tired, Dressed in her Grey t-shirt and Sweat pants, her hairs were messy and all over her face .

He walked near her Sleeping figure, making sure not to make a noise but his plans came to a crash as the Nurse opened the door with a thud, So much for not to disturb her .

Akriti was still in daze when she registered the scene in the fore, A man clad in a Brown Tuxedo, His hairs a mess and his perfect suit creased .

His jaw, a designer stubble and his Eyes, The same Black . It took few meagre seconds for Akriti to recognize the person in front as she jumped his bones with a bone crushing hug .

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