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The world record for speaking less ten words a day would belong to Raghvir Verma .


Raghvir Verma had stopped talking, Not even a simple monosyllabic sound until nagged.

His communication tools were either nods or hand gestures  for past 3 months .

Akriti watched his room door, and thought about his behavior for past 90 days, His routine as much monotonous, Work, Home, Work and again Home but never her father had gone to  mute mode in her life .

The ever so jolly and Talkative Raghvir Verma had suddenly turned into a serious actor of a Bollywood Film .

And today was no different, He was locked in his room for past 2hours, Not even said a word about supper, Akritil as always had her dinner alone with a silent Ladoo, The dog was well aware of the Distress .

Akriti kept waiting for Raghvir to open his room door, At least come out for supper, The time was already passed dinner but Akriti hoped he will come out .

She heated the food for him and kept his favorite Mishti Doi, His way to heart, knowing that her father will never say no to, he’ll be tempted to open the door and gobble it up whole .

Smiling at her thoughts she walked to his door, knocking once . It was almost more than an hour that he was locked inside .

“Dad, I’ve got you supper, open the door please” She knocked again this time calling him .

“Dad? At least say something”  Akriti knocked thrice, never once it happened that he didn’t answer her, Fear grabbed her heart .

Is he okay ?

Akriti and her father had this weird relationship where they couldn’t stop talking to each other Even if they fight, They never gave a cold shoulder to the other party .

What about last 3 months?
Last try !

“Dad, You opening door or shall I complain to mum” Her Trump card, His Father loved her Mother crazily, Even when she left He used to talk to her photo for Hours, Narrating her his days and even his thoughts which he could never share with someone .

No response heard ! Akriti couldn’t waste more time, Her intuition – something was not right, gave her courage to barge in his room . She used the master key to his room and pushed opened the door . Thank fully her mother never had single side locks .

Akriti’ glanced at the room, Bed untouched, His desk empty but a figure on the couch, facing his back  to her, She took the tray and kept it on the Table, looking at her father who sprawled on the couch, His head rested on his shoulder and the file still in his hold. 

How come he is sleeping ?

Ladoo also walked towards him, barking at him trying to wake him up .

She nudged his shoulder to wake him up can’t let him sleep empty stomach, She shook his shoulder hard when he rolled down to the floor, Lifeless .

“Dad” Akriti screamed, Her eyes wide, hands cold and Mind numb . Not now please .

She quickly kneeled down his side and shook him hard, Calling out to him, she picked up the glass and sprinkled some water – No effect .
She glanced side ways to see her pet, Nudging his shoulder again to wake him up only if He knew, Akriti had already tears Rolling down and Looking at Ladoo she couldn’t help but Fear.

Her hands shivered, her throat parched shouting for him again and again . Her rational part of the brain kicked in ‘Call the ambulance' it screamed to her .

She rushed to her father’s phone kept on his desk, Pathak uncle’s number on the last dial, She rang him up praying to all God’s and Goddesses .

She can’t lose her father Not now, And Never .


“U…Uncle….Dad…dad” she couldn’t speak more her voice weak and parched .

“Akriti is he okay ?, What happened Child ?”

“No he is not….He isn’t w….wak…. waking up” she stammered, Her voice choked and Eyes red, Tears freely falling out. 

"I’m coming”
He said the last words hanging up, Akriti’couldn’t wish more for turning all this into a nightmare, but nightmares don’t bring out real tears and make the heart ache this bad.

Does they?

Feeling more and more alone she quickly rushed to hall, her hands finding her phone and placing a call to the person she wanted beside her, No matter the distance, No matter Boundaries but if she felt weak she knew who would be standing beside her .

“Hey Sr. Ladoo  His voice reached her, Her heart beat coming back to normal .

“Na…..Nakul….Da…Dad” She hiccupped on every word, Her voice turning more and more heavy with all the emotions. 

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” His was alarmed. 

“Da…Dad is…isn’t get…. Getting…up” She couldn’t speak more as a son escaped her lips .

“Riti, Stop crying please, Where are you?”

“Ho…Home” .

“Did you inform someone?”

“Ye…Yes” She said . Looking at the door for a human trace .

“ listen to me, Inform Shyam uncle okay? Call him up and let him know !” He explained him slowly .

“I’m af…afraid Another sob escaped her mouth .

“Don’t be okay? I’ll be there….I’m coming, just be strong” His words were like an oasis in Sahara . Hope to her .

“Plea…se fast” .

“ I’m on my way, love, just be strong” His last words have calmed her down, Her heart still ached but her heart beat was slowing down and her mind was back again to work .

She quickly informed Shyam uncle, Her father’s pa, Who also rushed up and took the hold of the situation, He brought his son who took Ladoo with him, and Akriti and He rushed to the hospital along with the ambulance which Pathak got them .

Things seemed to fast forward once Shyam came into the picture, still Akriti couldn’t get her Father’s image out of her mind, Her mind played back the last few moments, Everything clear and detailed, as if it was happening again, Only she could wish was to see her dad, talk to him and let him know the scare he gave to her .

Her fear of losing him was deeply engraved in her heart and today it etched more .
She couldn’t lose him, Not now and Never .


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- Arwa .

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