Chapter Seven

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The rest of the week went like this, Claire woke up, didn't speak to Mark, went to school and got bullied, went home and didn't speak to Mark and then did the same thing all over again. Claire was happy for the weekend since the weekend was reserved for the group to get together and work on the band, it would force Mark to talk and make Jisung stop acting like he didn't see her.

"So, no Jisung and Mark today?" Haechan asks as he looks around. "I thought Mark was coming with you?" Haechan asks as Claire looks at him and then looks down. "Don't feel bad, Haechan is just worried is all" Jaemin says as he puts his arm around her and smiles, making Claire smile also. "Here they are!" Haechan says as he claps his hands together and smiles happily. Claire pulled away from Jaemin and looked at the pair, seeing them talking and having fun. "Where were you guys?" Jeno asks as Mark and Jisung finally notice them, both of them not looking at Claire. "Also, why are you two not looking at Claire?" Chenle points out. "Can we just get to what we came for?" Mark asks as Jaemin puts his hands in his pockets and blocks Mark. "I wouldn't try to play hero Jaemin" Mark warns, Jisung put a hand on the older males shoulder. "What is up with you two?" Renjun asks from his seat, it was one of the rare moments that Renjun would frown. "Nothing, I don't have to talk to my sister just because she is helping us" Mark says as he shrugs Jisung off and walks past Jaemin. Claire sighs and grabs her things, "It's fine guys, I will just leave. It is obvious that they don't want me here, especially Mark. Have fun with your band" Claire says. "Wait Cla-" Jaemin called out as Claire left. Claire walked out the cafe they chose and started to wipe her tears. She couldn't believe this was how her life was. She lost her only friend, made someone hate her more then Yejin did and even had her brother turn on her. "Why does the world hate me?" Claire asks. "The world doesn't hate you" she hears a voice say. She turned around and saw Haechan. Haechan never really noticed her, he didn't notice a lot of people. "What do you want Haechan?" Claire asks as she notices Haechan was taken back. Haechan looks down and scoffs, "Nothing, I was just trying to see if you would cross the street already" Haechan says before walking away and back inside. Claire noticed a hint of hurt in his voice, something she had saw before in a action only days ago.

Claire spent her weekend walking in the park, not really wanting to be bothered until Sunday. Claire was minding her own business, walking the path in the park until she spotted Renjun. "Renjun?" Claire calls out as the male looks up at her and smiles before waving. Claire walks over and smiles, her smile getting better once she saw Jeno was also there. "Hey Jeno!" Claire says before the males hugged her. "Sorry for what happened yesterday, we didn't know something was going on between you guys" Jeno says as Claire frowns and looks down. "I'm guessing Mark told you" Renjun and Jeno looked at each other confused. "No, Mark didn't tell us anything" Jeno says as Claire looks up confused. "What?" Renjun sighs, "Jisung told us what happened. He said that he was acting really rude to you and then he just explained to Mark that he wasn't being bullied by you." "Which only Haechan thought you did" Jeno says as she chuckles. "Haechan and his jokes" She mumbles. "But, he also said he wasn't even the one who said that in the first place. He said he was taken back when you accused him" Renjun adds as Claire looks down. "I was sure it was him who said it. He was so mean to me" Claire admits begore Jeno looks at Claire and then shrugs. "Don't worry, we will find out who said it." Jeno tells her as he smiles and Claire nods. "I think I know exactly who might have said it" Claire says.


'Yejin?" They all question before Mark shakes his head. "Yejin wouldn't do something like that. " Mark says as Claire looks dumbfounded. "Mark, she bully's me for a living!" Claire yells as she stands. "Stop staying those things about Yejin! Have you no respect for a friend" Mark asks as Claire looks at the other boys, Jisung still not looking at her. "You guys really believe she wouldn't?" Claire asks. "That's right, because she my sister" someone says. Claire looked behind her and saw Taeil. "Well, you must not know your sister" Claire says as she grabs her things. "Claire, my sister wouldn't lie to my friends or lie to me" Taeil says sadly. Claire couldn't be rude to Taeil, he was to sweet of a guy to her, ever since she was little. "Okay, maybe your right. Maybe it was Diana, she did stop being my friend" Claire says before sitting down. "Or maybe it was just some random person. I did only hear it around the school" Mark says. "You what? I thought someone came up to you" Claire questions before Mark shakes his head. "No, it was just a rumor going around school" Everyone sighed, "Why didn't you say that Mark? This could've been solved earlier.nyou know better then to listen to rumors" Taeil says. "Also you should've just asked me if it was actually happening" Jisung puts in as Claire nods. Mark chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Yeah, I should've known better. Not that point anymore, are we all cool with each other?" Mark asks as he looks at everyone. "As long as you don't accuse me ever again, we are good" Claire says. "I'm cool, as long as Claire doesn't bully me" Jisung teased as he smiles and Claire smiles back.

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