Chapter 1

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"No, you can't be serious", you exclaimed pulling your hair, "this is not part of my contract."

You couldn't believe that this was actually happening. You were in your agency's office, because they wanted to inform you about the future of your career.

You were a famous actress, but lately the press was only filled with bad news about you. It wasn't really your intention, but you basically just say what comes in your mind.

And this often offends people and you get into trouble a lot for your honesty. Your agency always ends up fixing the mess you caused.

Now the time has come that you had to deal with the consequences of your behaviour.

Your manager found a way to shut down the malicious comments and maybe get you a new role. But this wasn't something you could do, it hurt your pride. You can't go that far to save your career.

"Miss y/l/n, it is the only way", your manager said rubbing his forehead, "otherwise I don't know."

"I am not going to marry this guy!", you said enraged and got up from your chair.

"Please, Y/N. Let me explain it to you", your manager pleaded.

"But why would he do this? What's in it for him?", you asked all the questions going through your head and sat down again, "what did HE say?"

"He hasn't said anything yet", he explained, "but it would also be the best for him."

"Why?", you asked curiously.

You didn't know how HE got involved in all of this and why it had to be HIM. You don't like him at all, you've hated each other since childhood.

When your path crossed in the music and film business, you two got into a huge fight and screamed at each other. After that you decided to ignore him. Forever. You didn't know if that would be still possible.

"Recently a lot of rumours were spread that he was dating a woman", your manager told you, "it wasn't good for his PR either. His fans were upset about the rumours, because they claimed it was just an affair. A healthy relationship could help his image."

"A relationship?", you asked ironically, "you're not asking for me to be in a relationship with him, you're asking for way more."

You were about to lose your temper and set things straight, when the door opened. You turned around in your chair and got up.

It was him.

"Well, here we are again", he said chuckling lowly and walked in with his own manager.

This can't be true. This was really happening. Yoongi, your childhood enemy, stood in front of you, as intimidating as always.

You weren't intimidated by him, only by his breathtaking looks. He was wearing black jeans and his black shirt was tucked in his pants with a belt.

A gentle smiled played around his lips, but there was more behind it. He seemed to be making fun of you.

He could read you like a book and he was amused by your rage. You, on the other hand, didn't know how he thought about the whole thing.

Was he actually willing to marry you?

"Please, Y/N", your manager tried to calm you knowing exactly you could lose your guts any second, "let's talk about the conditions. Maybe we can come to an agreement."

You exhaled sharply and suppressed your anger. Yoongi took the seat next to you and seemed to be the calm himself. You tightly grabbed the arm rest so your knuckles turned white.

"We know that what we're asking you to do, is a lot", your manager told you, "but your career is at stake and even though it is a high price you need to pay, it's the best way."

"So what do you expect me to do?", you asked not taking notice of Yoongi next to you.

"You will announce your wedding for the next week and-", you rudely cut him off not believing his words.

"Next week? You got to be kidding me", you said breathing heavily.

"Relax, Y/N", Yoongi's deep voice filled the room. He put his hand on your thigh and kept you from leaving. His touch sent shivers through your body and you didn't move.

"Just listen", he said and smiled coldly.

"Fine", you hissed and brushed his hand firmly off.

"So what I was going to say", your manager continued, "you'll make a few public appearances as a happy couple. And hopefully this will draw the attention to you and help your reputation."

"I'm signing", Yoongi agreed earning a shocked glance from you.

Why did he agree so quickly? He was definitely playing with you and trying to get back at you.

"Y/N, I think I can leave you no choice", your manager admitted.

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