Chapter 2

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"I can't believe this", you said exhausted, "for how long will we be married?"

This sh!t was really messing with your head. Your career was very important to you, but what if you met someone you truly loved one day and you want to get married, but you can't, because you are already married?

"We'll see", your manager said, "but for now, it's the only way to save your reputation."

Your head was spinning, you had to make a decision. Yoongi instead, grabbed the pen calmly and placed his signature on the contract right next to the empty spot, where yours is supposed to be.

"Okay", you said so quietly that it almost couldn't be heard. You reached out for the pen and signed fast before you changed your mind.

"Good", your manager said and handed a copy to Yoongi's manager. To what did you just agree?

"So what now?", Yoongi asked emotionless as if he just didn't signed to get married with you.

"If there are no objections from your side, you can make your first public appearance today", his manager explained and Yoongi nodded knowingly.

"Wait, you are not talking about the Gala, are you?", you asked not wanting to believe it would be the event you would attend in the evening.

It was an award show for the best artists in the film and music business. It was quite important to you and you were also looking forward to seeing a few of your actor colleagues.

"Yes, exactly", your manager said and you groaned. Now your evening was ruined.

"We need to make it subtle tonight, so the media doesn't become suspicious", they explained, "you'll be sitting close to each other and then you start a conversation making it look like you're flirting."

You cursed under your breath making Yoongi lift an eyebrow at you.

"We hope that the press immediately catches on and the rest will work for itself", he said and again, the expression on Yoongi's face was just blank.

How were you going to survive this? He was so cold and the only time you spent with him, you were fighting.

"Will you be able to do that?", your manager asked you two but looked mostly at you.

"Yea, I guess", you said feeling completely defeated. This is where your lose tongue got you.

"Great", Yoongi's manager said. He got up and didn't spare a look at you. He just left quietly and didn't speak another word to you. You sighed feeling miserable.

You curled the ends of your hair and finished your make up for this evening. You slipped into the black glitter dress your stylist had chosen for the event.

You weren't going to receive an award, but there were still many paparazzi and a lot of pictures would be taken.

You tried to keep yourself busy with getting ready to not think too much about the choice you made this morning. A life changing choice.

"Time to go", your stylist said and gave you a reassuring smile.

She has been there for you since day one of your career and you trusted her a lot. You've told her about the plans of your agency and she tried her best to cheer you up.

"Thanks, Ann", you said and squeezed her hand, "for everything." She nodded and pushed you slightly towards the door.

"Go now, your driver's waiting", she said and squeezed your hand gently.

As soon as you got out of the car and stepped on the red carpet the cameras started flashing. Everyone was trying to get the best picture of the woman who can't keep her mouth shut.

But tomorrow there won't be any bad news about you in the magazines, they will be only about you and Yoongi.

You put on a fake smile and made your way through the celebrities to your seat.

When suddenly the cheers got louder you knew BTS has arrived. Normally, you would have just ignored it and not looked to the side, but the new contract gave you no choice.

You bit your inner cheek and got up and turned to them as they took their seats.

Before you bowed your eyes met Yoongi's cold ones making your breath hitch. He looked so handsome in his suit with his hair brushed to the sides.

You couldn't believe that he was actually your soon to be husband. You sat back down and felt an absent presence next to you. Of course he had taken the seat closest to you.

"If you want to make this look real, you have to sweep that daunted look off your face", he whispered deeply piercing you with his dark eyes.

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