Chapter 6

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You decided to go to a fancy restaurant nearby the restaurant. You didn't want to go because you didn't want to spend so much money on a dinner with him but he insisted.

He was already getting on your nerves anyways so you just gave in. You didn't admit it to yourself but in the back of your mind you knew you had a nice time with him.

But there was still no way you would forgive him. Too much damage has been done. You laughed at a stupid little joke he made and blushed.

You knew he had noticed that your true self was showing and you felt like he also enjoyed it.

"You can't hide from me that you like me", he said cockily and played with his glass of wine, which was almost empty.

"You wish", you said putting your poker face on. He got under your skin you can't deny that. You put down your napkin and cleared your throat.

"Can we leave?", you asked and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"Sure, I'll quickly pay", he said getting up.

"No way you are paying for both of us", you warned him glaring at him, "we'll split it."

"Okay", he said shrugging, "excuse me shortly, I'm using the restroom before we go." You were surprised by how quick he gave in and just nodded.

"Let's go", he said coming back from the bathroom.

"But we didn't pay yet", you said puzzled and accepted his arm he offered you.

"I did", he said slightly smirking. You rolled your eyes and digged your nails into his arm.

"Ouch stop it", he said chuckling leading you outside, "I had to do it. I'm your gentleman."

"No, you're not", you spat and tried to free yourself from his grip, but he pulled you even closer.

"Y/N, you have to stop fighting it if you want it to be easier", he explained in a calm voice and looked at you, almost in a soft way. Almost.

"No. No, Yoongi", you said harshly brushing his arm off, "you're the problem. You need to stop acting like a dick and respect me the way I deserve it!"

You didn't mean to raise your voice but it has been a long time coming. You were still so angry at him and you never had the chance to sort it out.

"Stop screaming at me, this is not going to help", he said putting his hands into his pockets. The sparkle in his eyes has disappeared and was replaced by the ice again.

"No, you listen now. If it wasn't for the contract -", you wanted to rant about the whole marriage set up by your agency, but he cut you off by smashing his lips on yours.

You flinched but didn't fight it. You were tired of fighting and the adrenaline rushing through your veins giving you this euphoric feeling made it worth it.

Your hands found their way to his neck, pulling him to you. He held you tightly by your waiste, your mouths molding into each other perfectly.

You only realised what you were doing when he brushed his tongue hungrily over your bottom lip. You gasped and pushed him away trying to catch your breath.

"What-" "Not here, come with me", he whispered and grabbed your hand. You followed him and he drove you silently to what seemed to be his place.

"You can't just kiss me - like that!", you said enraged as soon as he shut the door behind him.

"Like what?", he asked with a playful smirk on his face. You groaned running your hands through your hair.

"You were about to expose our little secret to the media", he simply said and plopped down on the couch.

His house was furnished in a very modern way and you had to admit that you really like the style. It was obvious that he earned a lot more money than you did.

"What?", you asked confused.

"We were followed by a camera man", he explained and got up to pour himself a drink.

"Oh", you said and sat down on the couch.

"You want one?", he offered you a drink.

"No. Wait-", you said looking at him with wide eyes, "who's going to drive me home if you keep drinking?" He chuckled and sipped on his drink.

"No one", he answered your question.

"But-" "You're going to stay the night here", he said walking over to the huge window and let his gaze wander over the skyline and the sky full of stars.

If you weren't so upset you would have probably joined him with a glass of wine.

"No I'm not going to sleep here. I don't want to", you complained.

"You can walk home if you want", he said coldly and kept staring outside.

"I might as well call an uber", you spat defiantly.

"No, you don't. I won't let you go by yourself at this late hour", he replied ending the discussion.

"Fine, I'll sleep on the couch then", you huffed.

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