Chapter 10

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You sat down in front of the reporters and began answering all the questions. Soon you relaxed until one interviewer asked a disrespectful question.

"Miss y/l/n, a few years ago you were in a big fight with Suga because he revealed controversial details about you", he stated piercing you with his eyes.

You sucked in a sharp breath and felt your blood boiling. He hit your nerve with this topic.

"Is it true what he said about you?", the reporter said in a provoking tone.

You tensed and were about to yell at him, but Yoongi held you back. He put his hand on your thigh caressing you gently.

"No, nothing of it was true", he stated calmly and the media took a lot of pictures in response.

"But-" "That is all that counts. You don't need to know any more or less", he cut the reporter off in a polite way.

You exhaled and glanced at Yoongi thankfully. You were so happy that you resolved the issue and could face the world together. He grabs your hand under the table and interlaced your fingers.

"The wedding will be next weekend not in public. Afterwards pictures can be taken", he explained squeezing your hand, "that will be all for today. No further questions, thank you."

You got up and bowed to the press people. You exited the room hand in hand and felt the pressure disappear.

"Thank you, Yoongi. I was about to explode, but you handled it great", you said as you walked down the dark hallway to the exit at the back of the building.

"That was the least thing I could do for you", he said smiling mildly.

He held the door open for you and you smiled shyly at his soft side. You really liked the way things were right now.

"If they find out our marriage is all set-", you thought out loud but he spun you around and cut you off.

He put his hand around your neck and kissed you lustfully. You gasped surprised because of the intensity with which he kissed you.

The kiss lasted longer than just a peck and if you weren't in public you would have wanted more. You pulled away and blushed a little because of the PDA.

"You can't just kiss me like that", you scolded him agin brushing your hair behind your ear.

"Why? I'm your fiancé and you can't tell me you didn't like it", he said smirking and you walked outside to his car. You quickly got inside the car to hide your red cheeks.

"And you need to stop talking about our fake marriage or you'll blow our cover", he teased you getting in the car as well.

"Ugh just shut up", you said smiling.

In a sudden rush of courage you grabbed him by his collar and pulled him over to you crashing your lips on his.

He smirked again and kissed you back, continuing where you stopped. You broke the kiss to get some air.

"Don't tell me you already fell for me", he said cockily and started the engine.

"Speaking for yourself huh?", you spit and licked your swollen lips.

"Watch that sassy mouth of yours", he warned you but you couldn't say anything else because your phone rang.

"Yes?", you answered it glaring at Yoongi.

"Oh, okay", you said after Ann explained the situation to you, "I'll be home in a minute."

"Home hm?", he asked smiling after you hung up.

"Get over it", you said chuckling and looked out of the window for the rest of the ride.

He pulled up to the house on the driveway and you got out of the car. You walked to the house and Ann opened the door for you.

"And how was it?", she asked with a smile.

"Exhausting", you said and she laughed accompanied you inside, "let's get started, shall we?" You walked the stairs up behind her when Yoongi called after you.

"What's up with you two?", he asked curiously standing at the end of the stairs.

"I'm trying on the wedding dress", you told him and kept walking but turned around once.

"And don't you dare come in", you threatened him earning a cute laugh from him.

You entered the room and your eyes were immediately on the princess like dress across form you.

"Wow, it's amazing", you said breathily.

"Wait until you put it on", Ann said sweetly.

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