Chapter 2 - Smell Suppressors

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"You told her?" I lose my temper.

Mrs Pomfrey sighs as I point McGonagall with my finger. The headmistress frowns and adjusts her glasses on her noise.

"Of course she told me, Mr Malfoy" she answers coldly. "Potter carried you half-dead across the whole castle to drop you on a bed and then he almost jumped on you to mark you, because apparently you are an omega. This is something the headmistress of the school should be informed of!"

I slump back on my cushion and hide my face with my hands.

"My life is over" I grunt. "Now everybody will know I am... I am a bloody omega!"

"No, Malfoy, apart from me, Mrs Pomfrey and Potter, nobody knows –yet."

"Two's a crowd" I mumble. "And that makes four of us now! That idiot is going to talk! I bet he's already shouting it from the rooftop! (I cross my arms, fully defeated.) Now my only option left is to throw myself from the Astronomy Tower..."

"Enough with the drama" McGonagall snaps. "Mr Malfoy, even if I don't really understand why you are so determined to hide the fact you are an omega... I assure you nobody is going to discover the truth."

"Yes" Mrs Pomfrey goes on. (I dart my eyes on her.) "When your heats started, you were outside of the castle, so the pheromones were blown away with the wind. Potter hid you in his robes and ran to the Hospital Wing, but then again, the students were outside to enjoy the sun before dinner. No one saw you. No one smelt you –the cloth kept your scent. As soon as I injected you the inhibitor, I put privacy screens around your bed. And the Hospital Tower was empty."

I remain silent for a moment. That sounds too perfect to be real...

The two witches stare at me in concern.

"There is another point that needs to be cleared up, Mr Malfoy" the headmistress says, a bit embarrassed.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I've treated the bite marks on your chest and your neck" the matron explains. (I blush, humiliated.) "However, we need to know if... we need to know if Potter... mated with you."

I gape.

"If he WHAT!?" I shout.

"Told you" McGonagall whispers to Pomfrey. "Or Potter would be dead by now."

"He... he did disgusting things to me" I wince. "He put his tongue in my mouth! The mere thought of it gives me goose bumps! Ew!"

They exchange a indefinable look.

"But he didn't mate with you?" the headmistress insists.

"Stop using that word!" I bark. "No, of course not! But he... he put his dirty hands on me... He tried to have sex with me! (I shiver.) He is just a beast, he has no self-control, he..."

"He didn't mark you" Mrs Pomfrey cuts me.


"After I examined you, I broke the stunning spell on Potter. I gave him a treatment to calm him down, and I had a talk with him. He was really shaken, he had remorse... and he told me he didn't have any physical relationship with you."

"Why did you ask me then?" I scowl.

"I wanted to have your version."

I'm flustered. She looks at me, unfathomable, but I have noticed a touch of worry in her voice.

I clear up my throat, I'm not used to other people consideration.

"Anyway, he tried to do me! Who cares if he marked me, or if he didn't?"

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