Chapter 5 - Bound

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I stretch my arms above my head, walking to the Hospital Wing. I want to ask the matron for my Heats Inhibitors, there's one week and a half before they'll start. I hear two voices arguing loudly, I slow down when I reach the door. I recognise the matron and the other one belongs to...

"Potter, you can't take the Smell Suppressors every day!" Mrs Pomfrey explains. "I gave you a dozen of them and you already finished them. You were supposed to use them only when Mr Malfoy was having his heats."

"I know! But I need some more. I can smell his pheromones even out of his heats period. It's driving me crazy!"

My breath gets blocked in my throat. What?

"No, it's impossible" Mrs Pomfrey says categorically.

"Well, how do you explain the fact that I know when he walked in a corridor a minute before me? When he is stepping in the Great Hall even if I turn my back to the door? (He pauses and his voice turns into a groan.) Or when he stands behind a door to listen to people's private conversation."

He opens the door, eyes glowing with anger, I jump in surprise. He grabs my arm and pulls me in the room, I stumble forward.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I jerk my arm out of his grip, my eyes blazing fire.

He shoots dagger at me, Mrs Pomfrey folds her arms on her chest.

"Good afternoon, Mr Malfoy" she greets me. "We were talking about you."

"Oh, really?" I chuckle sarcastically.

She looks at me and takes her wand. She waves it in the air:

"Colloportus" she says, locking the door. "Ok, boys... (She sees our faces and corrects herself.) Ok, young men, I think we need to talk about the last fortnight. Mr Potter has been swallowing up the Smell Suppressors as if they were Toffee Eclairs, because apparently, he can still feel your pheromones."

"But how is it possible?" I ask with a tense voice.

"This is not possible" she articulates, insisting heavily on the 'not'.

"Then why can I smell him from thirty feet away?" Potter asks with clenched teeth.

"Because you're a freak" I spit.

"Freak yourself!"

"Gentlemen, be quiet, you are in the Hospital Wing."

"There's no one here" I sneer.

"Still, lower your voices, and stop acting like young thugs. We need to sort this out. (She turns towards the raven haired boy.) Potter, omegas save up hormones in their body during three weeks. After that, the hormones turn into pheromones and are released during seven days. The oestrus of the omegas attract all the alphas around them, which provokes the heats of the alphas. (He blinks, my mouth is dry.) They become violent and out-of-control. Their only goal is to find the omegas and procreate."

"Could you spare me... the gruesome details?" I grimace. "It makes me retch..."

She gives me an exasperated look, Potter rises his eyes to the ceiling.

"What I'm trying to say is that there is no rational explanation for Mr Potter to be able to smell your pheromones like he does right now."

"But I do" he sighs.

"I need to search for a prior, similar case... However, I may have a germ of an idea. (The Golden Boy and I become more attentive.) There are very rare wizards... when an omega and an alpha have a... special relationship... a kind of connection..."

"We don't have any connection" we exclaim at the same time.

"Let me finish. If Potter is... (She hesitates.) If Potter can smell you from afar, outside of your heats periods... there's a chance that you're sharing a bound."

"We're not!" we shout in concert.

"I fear this is not going to fade away. This might be permanent. (She stares into Potter eyes insistently.) You will keep smelling Malfoy's scent. This is going to be stronger and stronger. (He stops breathing.) You can't fight it..."

"I can take the Smell Suppressors" he retorts stubbornly.

"Every day? During one year?" she insists. "You won't be able to fight the attraction towards him otherwise."

I blink. Attraction? I wanna puke right now.

"I will gulp these damn pills like if there were salted butter toffees!" he barks. "And I don't feel any attraction whatsoever towards that Slytherin git!"

"How mean" I jeer.

The matron turns to me.

"And about you, Mr Malfoy..."

"What about me?" I ask, surprised.

"Well, your attraction towards Potter."

I gape, the Gryffindor Dick sniggers.

"I can assure you it's close to none. (She arches her eyebrows, I correct myself hastily.) I mean, it's non-existent. There's no attraction. At all. You should quit drinking."

"Hum. So you're not feeling hot when you are near Mr Potter? (I blemish.) You should be having stronger heartbeats, more frequent wet dreams..."

"Stop! No! I don't have these!"

"Incontrollable blushes? Heavy palms sweat? Unexpected erections?" she insists.

"Really Malfoy?" Potter sneers. "Do you have those?"

"Enough!" I yell, beside myself.

"I know it's troubling, but you cannot annihilate what your body wants..." she tries to temporise.

"My body wants nothing! Leave me out of this! (I point my finger at her, furious.) You... search for a solution in your darn encyclopaedias. (I point my finger at Potter.) And you! You better stay away from me and take your fucking Smell Suppressors ad eternam!"

I walk away, stomping my feet loudly on the ground. I unlock the door and, just before stepping out, I turn round and shout at him.

"If you could suffocate with them, well I'd really appreciate it !"

I storm out of the Hospital Wing, totally worked up.

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