Chapter 9 - Hunting (+18)

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I step in the Great Hall, Potter almost collides with me.

"Oh, Malfoy, sorry" he says courteously.

"My bad, Potter. Don't worry."

I smile at him, he smiles back at me. He goes out of the room. Well, apparently he doesn't hold a grudge against me because of what I did to him last night. I walk towards the Slytherin table. I sit down, Pansy hands me a plate of scrambled eggs.

"Did you sleep well?" she asks.

"Yes, I had a great night" I chuckle.

She glimpses towards me, intrigued.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

In the Charm class, head propped in my hand, I look at Malfoy. Sitting three rows ahead of me, he's taking notes and listening to the teacher.

Well, he tries to listen... because he knows I'm staring at him and it troubles him. And the idea of Draco Malfoy being troubled by me is... exhilarating.

A lopsided, sadistic smile cracks on my lips. I see his neck turning slowly red. He shifts his head a little on the right to check if I'm still looking at him, his ears blush too. How adorable...

I lick my teeth.

He buries his nose in his notes hastily, I snigger.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Malfoy is sitting on a bench in the corridor. He's alone, reading a manual, his friends aren't around. I walk towards him, hands in my pockets, trying to look detached.

"Good afternoon, Malfoy. Beautiful day, isn't it?"

He looks up at me. He smiles when he recognises me.

"Oh, Potter, good afternoon. How are you doing?" he asks politely.

"I'm fine, I'm fine... (I glance at the corridor to check that no one is within earshot.) Do you... wish to continue the conversation we started yesterday? I am free after dinner."

His grey, clever eyes stare at me.

"Yes, I'd love to have a chat with you" he sniggers. "Where do you want to meet? (His voice turns into a murmur.) I'm about to have my heats today, it would be a shame not to... enjoy them together."

I nod, trying to hide the excitement that surely shows on my face. I have to hold myself not to undress him and take him in the middle of the corridor. My eyes caress his body from head to toes, his ears blush slightly.

"The Come and Go Room?" I say after a second of reflection.

He sniggers and stands up, amused by my pun. He tries to hide his embarrassment under mockery, apparently.

(How cute!)

"Sounds perfect to me. Let's meet on the seventh floor at eleven PM, if it suits you."

"Sure. See you then..."

He leaves, I follow him with my gaze. I smirk, biting my lips. I can't believe I'm turned on by the mere thought of having sex with Draco Malfoy! Man, the events took an unexpected twist.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I look at my watch for the tenth time in a row and pinch my lips. It's quarter to eight. Merlin, why are the minutes so long!?

I tap my fingers on the arm of the couch, trying to focus on my book. "... the Dreamless Sleep Potion induces drowsiness and dreamless sleep for the ones who drink it. It is easily recognisable by its deep purple colour. It is used mainly for medical purpose and..."

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