Chapter 10 - Five-Year Plan

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I step in the Hospital Wing, it's empty. I walk to the matron's office and peek inside of it. Mrs Pomfrey looks up at me, sitting at her desk.

"Mr Malfoy" she greets me.

"Good morning" I reply. "I... Could you examine me? Please?"

She stands up and closes the door behind me. She stares at me, I pull my collar to expose my nape.


It's the only comment she makes, she remains stone-faced. The matron turns away, takes a brown flask and cotton wool.

"Lower your head, please." (I do as she asks, she disinfects my bitemark.) "The wound is rather deep. The good new is, now the only one person who can smell your heats is Mr Potter."

"Really?" I say, surprised.

"Yes. When an omega has been bitten, only the alpha who marked him can smell his pheromones every months."

"Well, that's quite a good news" I comment.

"Of course. And I imagine you know as well that an alpha mark implies... a bit more than that."

She throws away the cotton wool in the bin and rummages in a cabinet, I'm disconcerted.

"Does it?"

She gives me a faint smile.

"Yes, I should congratulate you. You two are now bounded." (I open my mouth to ask her what she means, but she goes on.) "By the way, when Mr Potter asked me to let him out of the cell yesterday morning, I gave him some... advice concerning omegas and alphas intercourse... Now I think you should hear some of them too."

She faces me, holding a jar in one hand and a vial in the other. I look at her in horror.

"What do you mean by... advice?" I gulp.

"Contraception" she answers frankly.

I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on!"

"There are some measures you should be taking..."

"Please, spare me!" I grunt, humiliated.

"... unless you want to be pregnant" she finishes.

I turn fully red and wince.

"I... Er... Potter and I..." (I sigh through my nose and give up.) "All right, go ahead."

She hands me the jar.

"This is a balm for the mark. The scar won't disappear with it, but you need to treat it carefully during a week to avoid an infection. (She gives me the vial.) This is a Morning-After Potion. Take three drops in a glass of water every time you and Potter... unite. (She pauses, waiting for a reaction. I just look at the vial thoughtfully.) Do you have any questions?"

I hesitate.

"Can't we use... the... normal contraceptive way?" I ask.

"Do you mean, if you and Mr Potter could use a sheath instead? (I blush darker.) You can, but I fear it would be useless. Alphas produce ten times more sperm than betas and omegas, a condom would be ineffective to prevent you from being pregnant."

"I see..."

"Would you like some more advice about physical relationship between two boys? Maybe you would like to use some lubricant? I think I have a bottle left, over here..."

I step back, shaking my hand.

"No-no! It's ok, I'm fine!"

"But you-"

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