Chapter 3 - Sharp Nails

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"A throat infection?" Pansy asks in astonishment. "How did you get that Draco?"

I shrug.

"I went outside after taking a shower and the wind was pretty cold so..."

"Boys are so careless" she sighs. "You're eighteen, you should remember to dry your hair when you washed them."

"Yeah, sure."

She turns to finish her toasts, I sip some pumpkin juice. She seems to swallow everything.

I peek at the Gryffindor table. The Three Golden Idiots are eating their breakfast, chatting casually, their backs turned at me. I am rather uncomfortable at the thought of meeting Potter again and again. I'll have to face him in class, this is going to be awkward.

He turns round and stares back at me.

I start.

It's as if he had felt my eyes on him.

He gives me a troubled look and averts his gaze, I fix my plate with red cheeks.

This is gonna be awkward, I can feel it.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I write a sentence and then pause. My quill stays still for a second above the parchment, I cross the last word.

"You don't seem really focused" Hermione notices.

I sigh and run my hand into my hair, annoyed.

"Yeah I know, sorry" I let out.

"I gave you my notes, I find every answer you need when you ask me and we even made practical exercises together. I don't know what more I could do to make you pass this discipline" she says, eyes still on her own Potions notes.

"I'm sorry" I repeat. "I can't focus."

She looks up at me questioningly.

"Well, that's not exactly a surprise. The new thing is that it seems to annoy you."

I sigh again and look at the books surrounding us. We are in the Library to study after dinner, Mione insisted on leaving the Gryffindor Tower because it was too loud and I would be distracted. She was tutoring me for the lessons I had troubles with.

"Potion isn't your thing" she chuckles. "I knew helping you would be tough, but I like challenges."

"Yeah, lucky me" I smile.

"I'm going to pick Poisonous Mix" she decides, standing up. "It's a recent publication, a bit flashy maybe, but it might be easier for you to remember the recipes if you can see illustrations of the ingredients."

"Thank you."

She goes away, I rub my forehead with my knuckles. My head hurts... The Smell Suppressors have side effects apparently, or maybe it's just me. I've been overthinking lately, dark thoughts are spinning in my mind. It's been a week since I attacked Malfoy and I still can't believe what I did to him. At one moment, I was talking to him and the second after, I was snogging him on the ground, licking his chest. That was crazy.

"Harry? What's this?"

I jump, feeling fingers on my nape. I sit up and face Hermione, who I didn't hear coming back.

"Mione! You scared the crap out of me!"

"Sorry..." she apologises. (She points my neck, looking a bit concerned.) "Did you scratch yourself or something? It's whole red."

I grow pale and walks to the nearest window. It's pitch dark outside, so I can see my reflection in the glass. I turn my head and expose my neck, tugging on my collar. I have three, long scratches that goes from my nape to my shoulder.

It seems that Malfoy has sharp nails...

"Ah, yeah..." I laugh nervously. "Maybe it's eczema, or something. I keep touching weird plants to make potions, maybe one of them was inflammatory."

"Maybe you should show this to Mrs Pomfrey."

She sits back to her place, I imitate her, biting my tongue. If she knew... What would she think of me? That I am some monster. That I am... an uncontrolled beast.

It will soon be a week since Malfoy got his heats. Tomorrow I can stop taking the Smell Suppressor. Usually, omegas have their oestrus during seven days, every month. It was the first time I had smelt the pheromones of an omega, and I wasn't ready for this. It has been so powerful, so overwhelming. I wasn't me anymore. I was an alpha. And all the alpha wanted was to possess the omega in front of him.

I run my hand on my face, tired. This is all I know about omegas. Around me there are only alphas and betas, omegas are rare. Statistically, out of ten people two are alphas, seven are betas and only one is an omega. In the wizarding world, there are more alphas than among Muggles because pure-blooded alpha wizards and witches are careful to always stay together and control their bloodline.

I sneer.

Life has a weird sense of humour sometimes. Hermione, a Muggle-born, is an alpha but Draco Malfoy the pure-blooded wizard turns out to be an omega. I guess he hides his real nature because he's ashamed to belong to what he might qualify of 'underclass'. How ironic...

I pick my quill and keep writing. Actually, that explains a lot of things... He's always so aggressive and snob. He acts like an alpha to prove everyone he is one. He has to impose himself as a leader, so those close to him wouldn't doubt anything. He deceives his classmates, teachers and friends.

The only ones to know are McGonagall, the matron and me... He wants to keep it secret, I imagine he didn't tell anything to his friends.

This must be really tough for him...

Potter. Ngh, Potter, please...


I gulp. A drop of perspiration slides on my neck.

I touch the scratches on the base of my neck with the tip of my fingers, realising something. Actually... at that moment, he didn't wound me because he was not shoving me away... but because he was hugging me.

"Ok. So... what does Poisonous Mix say about hopeless student who need their NEWT?" I smile weakly.

She hands me the book, I get back to work.

Thanks Merlin, it's over now. No need to think about it anymore!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I'm walking out of the Great Hall when I smell something. It's a soap, Spring-like fragrance. It's fresh and light, it reminds me of something but I can't put a name on it.

It's like washed sheets that have dried in the sun... I inhale deeply and smile. Where does this scent comes from?

Malfoy walks towards me, coming from an adjacent corridor. He looks at me and scowls, I stare at him in horror. The smell gets stronger.

"Why are you standing here Potter? Shove off."

"With great pleasure" I whisper, shaken.

I flee.

What the heck is happening to me? Is this some joke?

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