Chapter 4 - Order and I'll Comply... (+18)

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I'm having Charm class. I listen to the teacher without much enthusiasm, taking a few notes. Suddenly I realise that someone is staring at me...

I turn my head to the left and catch sight of Potter looking at me. He averts his gaze immediately, I frown.

I try to focus again on what the teacher says, but I can't. I'm troubled. Is he still thinking about what he did two weeks ago? He's been acting weird lately : he avoids me but is constantly looking at me in class.

A thought turns my blood to ice. What if he tries to do me again? My heats are over now, he shouldn't lose control... but what if suddenly his alpha instincts get the best of him? I shudder. I won't let this happen! Ok, I have been weak in front of him, my body was overwhelmed by my oestrus. But now I am in full command of myself.

I close my eyes. Why does he have to make things so difficult? I try to forget what happened between us and he is... he is acting weirdly!

I swear, if that git lays a hand on me again, I chop his wiener off!

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

I'm squeezing my fork tightly, trembling a little.

My nerve have been put through a rough time...

I can feel his gaze on my back... Here and now, I can feel his green, lascivious eyes on me. and it makes me sick. I clench my teeth. Do you want to bite me so badly that you keep staring at my nape? Merlin, I'm not a beefsteak! How pathetic!

I have enough of him! Can't he stop looking at me all the time? I want to punch him in the face. He does nothing, but he stares at me all the time, the pressure is unbearable!

"Are you alright Draco?" Pansy asks.

"Sure, I'm fine. Why?"

"You... hold your fork as if you were to skewer someone on it. (I lower my gaze on my hand.) You seem to be really tensed lately."

Blaise and Goyle are listening to us. I can't let any breach show in my carapace, I have to keep my composure.

"What does it have anything to do with you anyway?" I snap.

She pinches her lips and continue to eat. I stick my fork in a potato, ignoring the small twinge of guilt in my guts.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

"Malfoy" he whispers softly into my ear.

I shiver. He nibbles my lobe, his hands are caressing my hips, I blush.

"Ngh, Harry" I gasp.

He's touching me, he's really touching me... It feels like a dream come true. He kisses my lips gently, I run my fingers in his black hair. Hmmmm... It's so good.

He unbuttons my shirt and pinches my left nipple. I moan, his hand caresses my crotch. I grab his shirt.

"No need to be nice with me" I murmur to his ear. "Take me, Harry. I want you right here, right now."

He sniggers, giving me a lopsided smile.

He grasps my hair and pulls them violently down, I cry. He bites my lips, I can taste blood in my mouth. He turns me round and lays me down on the table, lowering my pants.

"Harry, please" I whimper.

"Tell me what you want, babe... You have to say it. Aloud."

"Please, I want it inside of me. Fill me."

He slides his cock into me, I pant.

"Please, Harry" I beg.

"Order, and I'll comply, babe."

"M-move. Please move."

He pulls out from me and sinks back in, I whimper. He goes in and out, he has no manners, no consideration at all. He takes me violently, again and again, and I like it.

I'm feeling so good... because this is how it's supposed to be. Omegas belongs to alphas...

I wake up in my bed in horror, my hair are sticking on my forehead.

Merlin's pants! What the fuck was that!?

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