Final chapter - Hogwarts Express

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Walking on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, I'm holding my five years old daughter Milly into my arms. Scorpius, both nervous and excited, pushes his cart. The place is packed with parents and children, with caged owls and meowing cats. Some wizards glimpse towards us curiously. I contain a smile. Each time Malfoy and I appear in public, eyes are on us.

It reminds me a bit of our last year at school. We have been pretending to be friends, at first, and by the end of our eighth year, we came out as a couple. Then we started to work at the Ministry : I got hired as an Auror, my boyfriend decided to join the Department of Mysteries. People slowly got used to seeing us together and to accept that we were dating, but they can't help staring at the Boy Who Survived Twice and the Redeemed Ex Death Eater.

Who are kind of married. And have two children now.

We have kept lying to our relatives and closest friends, I held my tongue and no one doubts Draco is an omega, even our kids. He's a very convincing alpha. Once he stopped being overly aggressive and scathing, he became a very charismatic and confident man. A loving husband. And a caring father.

Scorpius loads his trunk into the train and comes back to us. Draco crouches in front of him.

"Ok" Malfoy says. "Let's repeat it one last time. If people are bothering you because you are an omega, what do you tell them?"

"I say my daddy is gonna rip them out" Scorpius answers obediently.

"And if they ask which daddy?" Draco insists.

"I answer 'both!'" he smiles.

Draco kisses our son on his forehead. I know he's a little bit worried for him. Scorpius is utterly shy and looks frail –at first sight. For my part, I am rather confident that he will be able to pit himself against potential bullies.

Despite his green, innocent gaze, his long, white-blond hair and his pale skin, he is obstinate and when he gets pissed off, he never lowers his eyes. He's rather a wolf in sheep's clothing, I pity the girls or the boys that will fall in love with him, he inherited both our strong personalities. If he gets annoyed, there's no doubt he'll put his classmates through hell.

"That's my boy. (He points his finger at him.) Remember to write us every week, okay?"

"Except for the first week" I say. "Write us every day."

My husband raises his eyes to the ceiling.

"Stop overprotecting him! Omegas are tough, you know?"

"I just want to know in which house he'll be sorted" I protest.

"Slytherin, of course."

"Gryffindor" I frown.

"My, my, what do we have here? The Malfoy-Potters... " a voice drawls.

I lift up my gaze on Ron, walking towards us along with Hermione and Hugo.

"Oh, the Granger-Weasleys" I say matter-of-factly. "How are you?"

"Fine. But stressed. And excited as well" Hermione beams. "Scorpius, you should jump in the train, it will leave any time now. Rose is over there."

Scorpius nods, I ruffle his hair. Draco smiles at him, our son walks towards the train. Milly waves good bye at him, she seems a bit sad to see him leave. I run my thumb on her chubby cheek. Our daughter is rather cute : she inherited my husband's pale, grey eyes, but she has my thick, dark hair. She has a relatively calm temper for an alpha.

"Scorpius looks pretty thrilled to go to school" Ron notices, interrupting my thoughts.

"Like we used to be each time we were turning back to Hogwarts" Hermione chuckles.

I turn to Ron.

"I'm sure he'll get selected in the Quidditch team during his first year. If he takes after his daddies, he'll be a great player."

Draco sniggers.

"Let's hope he took mostly after me, because you were hopeless at Quidditch! A real mess!"

I laugh and look at him fondly. The whistle blows and the train gets into motion. Scorpius and Rose are at the window, smiling. I entwine my fingers with Draco's.

He waves goodbye to our son.

"He's going to dazzle them all" he snorts.

I chuckle.

"Yes. I'm sure he will."

The End

I started a new story, where Malfoy is turned out into a snake and Harry has to keep him with him all the time^^ If you are interested, here is the title :

Drarry : A Snake Life

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