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I look down at my hands sighing at the mud covered all on them but smile once I see the display of plants on the front of the house I look down at my white shirt now with mud on and sigh before wiping my hands down.
The sound of Samanthas car pulling into the drive next to me brings my eyes to her.
Her smooth skin showing in her simple dark blue dress her hair in a slick bun.
Her heels giving her a lovely height.
"Afternoon Lela I was hopping to see you" she waves over at me as she walks towards the fence. My body going slightly tense being near her knowing what I did.
What me and Lorenzo did.

"Well as you know I have done really well in work and well I want a girls night" she says smiling at me
"And well me and you get on so well I want you to stay over girls night" she says smiling jumping slightly I smile back her
"That sounds lovely" I say back to her smiling yet feeling so guilty
"Great I was thinking tomorrow night me you movies and lots of wine" she shouts walking back looking at me. I let out a laugh as she smiles back at me
I can't help but let my eyes fall up to the third floor looking at the windows scanning for Lorenzo.

I continue to make the outside look lovely I always want the house to look nice and prefect
I am prefect
I sit back on the decking my body relaxing as I take a glass of fresh lemonade my brother made this morning amazingly no alcohol in it.
I tie my hair in a messy bun sweat falling down my neck slightly as the sun is fully out shinning the sound of birds and the wind in my ears.
And mateos voice......
I look up my eyes darting to mateo in his school uniform walking up his drive.
Lorenzo holding his hand.....
My eyes look away as I see him taking my drink again hopping they don't speak to me.
"Lela you are all dirty" mateos little Spanish accent coming through like this fathers
I look up laughing as Mateo comes to the fence Lorenzo behind him.
"I have been gardening" I say getting up walking to the fence
"Garden looks good" Lorenzo voice becoming known I look up at him and smile
"It's really pretty will you garden with me soon" mateo says jumping up and down I shack his hair
"Sure thing" I say looking up at Lorenzo seeing his eyes on my chest that has dirt on it my cleavage showing in my tight shirt
My face turns red mainly thinking about his hands looking at them remembering where they have been.
Lorenzo now coughs as mateo has left running into the house. I gulp looking back at him before smiling and walking away.
"Sam said you might be having a girls night here" he says I turn back to see him his hands going through his thick hair
"Oh yes she asked me earlier today tomorrow night" I say smiling
Guess we are not going to talk about what happened.....
"I hope to see you then" he smiles I smile back nodding it feels friendly like before
"Maybe alone" he almost whispers but blurts out I turn my head back sharp his eyes falling to the ground
Is he embarrassed?

"Definitely" I smirk before going inside my face smiling knowing I have him
Knowing he wants me back.....
I spend the rest of the day painting and cleaning the house one of my many jobs I have been given ever since my mother died
You need to become the mother now Lela
My brothers voice always in my mind the day of my mother funeral the way he held my body tight against his the way he already smelt of alcohol before we had even left.
The way my brother held me when my mother was being buried his strong arms on mine holding me with dominance.
The way him and my father wore sunglasses never showing there eyes.
I have been the mother ever since I cook clean and I never speak up.
I do as I am told........

"This rice needs more salt Lela" my Brother says slurping on his bottle of beer
"Davies leave your sister alone she try's" my father says kissing my cheek before taking a phone call
He always says I try or try's I am constantly trying.
Yet always failing.......
My brother sighs kissing my forehead and rubbing my hand before leaving to his room where he will stay for the rest of the night.
I clean everything up before getting my overnight bag and waving goodbye to my father who is still on the phone.
I think he is just glad I have somewhat friends.....

I am greeted by Samantha in a baby pink robe and pink silk pjs matching her bare face highlights her wrinkles on her lips more her normal dark pinks or now pale.
Almost boring?
"I am so glad you are here" she screams happiness in her voice as she leads me to the kitchen passing me a glass of wine one already in her hand.
"As you can see I have gone all out" she laughs walking to the outside where at the bottom of the garden a tent is out with lights all around it and two chairs outside and a fire pit
I look at her the smile on her face as she looks back at me so proud of herself I smile back feeling so much pity for her.
"Here I got these for you I thought they were more for your age" she laughs handing me the same robe as her but a silk crop top and shorts with lace on like hers.
But more sexy. Does she not think she can be sexy? Does she think I am sexy?
"This is all so lovely Sam I can't wait" I smile at her.
"This looks nice" I turn fast seeing his face so wrinkled and dark in his dark blue pj bottoms and grey top so tight on him showing his hard chest.
"I told you I wanted a girls night" Sam says grabbing more bottles of wine out of the wine rack her husband walking up to her kissing her cheek as she smiles
Anger somewhat falls on me wanting his lips to be on me
"Mateo is in bed now I will be in my study"he says pouring himself a coffee his wife now not looking at him as she preps the popcorn
"Thank you my love" she says now making him leave the room pushing him as a laugh he looks at me while leaving a fast wink leaving him
"Have fun Lela" he says leaving the room the way he extends my name my face going red Sam is already running down to the tent thousands of bottles in her hand "she will have fun with me you old man" she giggles already drunk.

We both lay there in our matching pjs sipping on wine and popcorn. And it feels nice like I really have a friend. I have really got to know Samantha well theses past weeks seen who she really is I really like her.
Even if I like her husband more.
"Thank you for coming tonight" she says as we sit watching a girly film
"No thank you for having me" I say now looking at her smiling
"I just feel like my job is so high pressured like I have to be a certain way. Be this way" she sighs sipping her drink
"I love my friends I have made but I can't be me i have to be this prefect women I can't make mistakes" a tear leaving her eyes she quickly shakes off
"Hey don't be sad I think you are amazing Sam and you are an amazing friend to me I needed this night as well" I say taking her hand in mine
I wasn't lying I really needed this night someone to have as a friend.
"You are such a kind soul Lela you are such a good friend" she embraces me her beautiful perfume going into my nose again
I am far from a kind soul......

We love a girly sleepover😉
Please vote on your favourite chapter so far!!
Also I am working on a new book bit of a different book so look out for that soon!

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