Chapter 5 - Back Again

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Chapter 5 - Back Again

The plane ride back to hell was tiring, to say the least. Cole and Chance had taken it upon themselves to annoy the crap out of people riding first class with us. It was quite easy to conclude that none of the survivors were going to be riding first class for some time. They had been scarred for life. In between laughing and apologising for the twins' behaviour, Kyle was either kissing me lightly or massaging my tense shoulders. He was so caring and endearingly sweet, I wanted to cry and smile at the same time. What had I done to deserve him?

In the middle of the plane ride, lunch was served. We were served steak and mashed potatoes. Making use of the readily available utensils, Cole and Chance walked down the aisle and selected a likely victim, a tall and balding man. Cole impertinently stepped behind his chair and Chance knelt at his side. "Hello there, mister," Chance started with a sinister grin. Cole leaned over the back of the chair and put his face close to the man's they both revealed the shining knives they had hid in their sleeves. "Do you need help cutting up your...steak?" Cole asked, his eyes insanely wide and dragging out the 's'. The man was horrorstruck. Luckily for him, his wife besides him was a quick thinker. The little white-haired woman swung her handbag by the strap at Cole and Chance, managing to smack their faces in one swipe.

The twins dropped the act at once.

"Geez! Cut it out, woman! Ow! We were just kidding!" Chance screamed, getting up and covering his face. "Run for cover!" Cole cried and they proceeded to run up the aisle again, their hands over their heads, as though to protect themselves from bombs. The flight attendants weren't too happy to say the least and the captain himself threatened to throw the two out of the plane up in the air.

When we landed in the airport, there was a collective sigh of relief in the first class cabin as everyone rushed out, doubtlessly frightened of being left behind with the demented Anderson twins. "Why on earth did you do that?" Kyle asked, smacking both Cole and Chance on the back of their heads. They grimaced together. "For the fun of it, of course!" Cole replied, as though it were obvious, which, when it came to him and his brother, it usually was. Kyle scowled at them but chuckled softly next to me.

Only Kyle, Cole, Chance and I were going to Goldhill Pack. Alan, as Beta, was needed back home to take care of business and fill in for Kyle and the four of us were the best there was, other than Alan.

We took a cab to the Goldhill Pack House. I still remembered the address and was able to relay it to the cab driver who was almost at wit's end with Cole and Chance loudly singing to each song that came on the radio. Alley cats sounded better than them. If it weren't for the humongous tip Kyle had given the cabbie, I was sure he would have reported them for misconduct on public transport.

While we drove through the town that had once made my life miserable, I was flooded with memories, none good. I didn't feel any nostalgia. Just sorrow that I was back. Here was the playground where I had been tied to a swing and only rescued in the morning when a parent came walking by. And there was the elementary school where the pack had made sure no one befriended me.

At last, we reached the place that couldn't even be called home to me. The pack house was just as large and looked exactly the same. Standing at the doorstep waiting for our arrival was the welcoming committee. Among them were my ex-parents, Jackson's dad the retired Alpha and Jackson himself. I was proud to find that my wolf only snarled at the image of him there. What a sight for sore eyes. I didn't even feel rage at the girl clinging to him. I recognised her as Monica, one of the cheerleaders responsible for my sad life.

The cab stopped there and let us off. "Have a good day with Goldhill Pack," the cabbie said to Kyle, thoroughly ignoring Cole and Chance. I thanked him and held Kyle's hand tightly. I needed him with me and I knew that he would support me throughout this. We walked the hundred yards to the pack house. I had already asked the boys to let me walk directly behind them so that I would be hidden from view. As we neared Goldhill Pack, I regretfully let go of Kyle's hand so that we could walk more comfortably and less awkwardly.

"Alpha Kyle!" Jackson cried in obvious relief when he saw us. The welcoming committee walked to intercept us and Jackson shook hands with Kyle. Kyle gripped Jackson's hand tightly and Jackson winced slightly. Kyle knew all about Jackson and how he had rejected me. Cole and Chance were giving Goldhill Pack the death glare. They looked unnerved.

"Allow me to introduce my pack members. I have three with me. We are the best in our pack and ultimately the world," Kyle began. He pointed to Cole and then Chance, saying, "These are Cole and Chance Anderson." There was a confused murmur through the crowd. Jackson furrowed his eyebrows. "Where is your fourth member?" he asked puzzled. Kyle smiled humourlessly. "She, my third-in-command, is right here," he said and stepped away, revealing me.

The reaction was instant. The couple that had disowned me gasped. Jackson's father stumbled backwards and Monica screamed. But Jackson's response was the best. He half-scrambled to me and half-stepped back, causing him to trip over his own two feet and fall on his ass. I laughed meanly at him as did my companions for a while and then pulled a professional face. "I am Kim Marie," I said, not bothering to lie and say that it was nice to see them.

Kyle pretended not to notice everyone's shocked expressions and said, "Could we please go to our rooms? We are rather tired after the plane ride here. Tomorrow, we can discuss tactics. Also, we would like to have our dinner in our rooms. As I said, we feel drained." Jackson, who had gotten up, looked take aback by how easily Kyle was giving him orders. All his life, he had never been ordered around by anybody other than his parents. But he quickly recovered, seeming to remember that Kyle was an Alpha too. "Yes, yes. Of course! How many rooms would you like?" he inquired, taking a stab at politeness but ending up sounding completely flustered.

Kyle looked at Cole and Chance, eyebrows raised. Cole spoke first, "We'll take two rooms." "So we can thrash one and sleep in the other," Chance added, grinning wickedly, no doubt thinking about the mess they were going to make for Goldhill Pack to clean up. Jackson audibly gulped and looked at Kyle. Kyle smiled lovingly down at me and suggested, "We'll share a room. How's that sound, Kim?" I nodded and we kissed for a moment. When I looked up, Jackson's face had paled noticeably and his eyes had darkened with fury.

"Let's go," I said impatiently, taking the lead and making my way to the door. Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm from behind. My instincts kicked in and I spun around and caught the hand holding me. With as much strength as I could muster, I twisted it back, causing Jackson to keel over with pain. I brought the hand behind Jackson's back, thus causing even further agony. "Listen here," I snarled softly. "You are not to touch me without my permission. Do not approach me unless for professional reasons or I swear I will kick your butt till you wish you were dead." I released Jackson and stormed into the pack house unceremoniously.

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