Chapter 15 - Healing Process

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Chapter 15 - Healing Process

When I had calmed down enough, Jackson lifted me bridal-style and carried me to the bed. I was too tired to protest and I let him lay me down on the bed. I breathed in deeply. Big mistake. Kyle's scent was all over the sheets. Tears welled up in my eyes again but I wiped them away furiously. I wouldn't shed another tear over him. Never.

Jackson sat down on the bed next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and rubbed his thumb around my shoulder to soothe me. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and I shook my head. He fell silent then. For a while, we just lay there, me against his warm hard side and him with his arm protectively around my shoulders. I decided to tell him the truth and get some back from him as well.

"Jackson, why have you changed?" I asked softly. I felt Jackson shrug beside me. "Let's just say...some greater being up there showed me everything. I felt and saw things from your point of view. I've been a jerk. An idiot. A dumbass. Pretty much every single foul word you could use against me. I would even take 'bitch' if it makes you happy," Jackson ended with a chuckle and I joined in. Somehow, hearing Jackson scold himself and point out his errors made me see for a final time that he had honestly changed.

"Kim Marie," Jackson began, getting up and looking at me dead in the eye. Hearing him use my chosen surname got me to notice that he was acknowledging how his rejection had changed me, "will you forgive me? Will you be my mate? Will you forgive me for all my man-whorish ways and accept this stupid fool over here as your non-deserving mate?" As he spoke, he took my hands in both of his. I scrutinised his face. He did seem genuinely apologetic. And, just like with Landon, I nodded in assent.

"Yes!" Jackson bellowed, jumping off the bed and onto his feet to hop in the same spot over and over again. He punched the air with his fist and continued to yell in delirious joy. I sat up and laughed. And just like that, I felt no pain from Kyle. And not only did I feel more complete and happier than when I had accepted Kyle as my mate, but I also felt secure and safe. Because I was with my true mate. Who really wanted me. And that was the best thing that could happen to a werewolf.

My wolf was on all fours. She threw her head back to howl and there were answering calls and cries. We had joined the other truly mated werewolves when we had accepted Jackson. Our joy must have been so widespread and infectious that they too felt it. Jackson swiftly scooped me off the bed and he swung me around and around. I laughed with him, feeling the air whoosh around me.

At last, he put me down. His face was still radiant with ecstasy. The way he beamed down at me almost seemed to encase me with the light of our shared happiness. But his eyes spoke a thousand more words than he could have voiced verbally. The way they shined and shimmered as they gazed into mine made me to think that I was the only girl in the world. The most beautiful. The best. And in his eyes, I was.

"You're beautiful," he mumbled, the beam falling to be replaced by a soft, adoring smile. I felt my cheeks blush and I lowered my eyes shyly. A gentle finger raised my chin so I could look at Jackson. I was only given a second's warning before Jackson's lips trapped my own.

The fireworks erupted. I could hear the hissing and squeal of the build-up and then the boom as it exploded. My heart was working overtime and I felt tingles run up and down my body, making me shudder with happiness. A full image burst in my mind. Jackson's wolf and mine twining necks as Kyle's and mines had that day. But around us were other wolves all braying with joy. At our feet were small cute wolf pups. The meaning was clear. While Kyle could have provided me with love, it had been temporary and solitary. But Jackson and I, true mates, when mated had the approval of the fates and so many others. Our packs would be happy. And Jackson would love me till the end of time and could bring up a family with me.

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