Chapter 1 - My Life

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Chapter 1 - My Life

Pain. A simple word, really, but with so much meaning for a one-syllable word. It could be anything from a little scratch to agony from a gun-wound. It could also be physical or emotional. Maybe a gut-wrenching pain from a stab or a heart throbbing with feelings beyond the normal human range. But it didn't matter to me. Because I was the expert of pain.

When I was born, I had been told that my father had looked at me, disgusted. Disgusted that he had a girl and not a boy. Disgusted that I was too small and weak. Disgusted that I was a frail and sickly creature. Disgusted that I was me. As the oldest child of the Beta, the title would become mine when my father stepped down. But he wouldn't have that, my father. He quickly had another child and - behold! - Landon had been born. My father showered him with love, affection, praise and gifts. He rained blows and hits on me. My father had never wanted me from the minute I had been born.

Because my mother was mated with my father, she loved him more than anything and wanted to make him as happy as was humanely possible. Hence, seeing that I was a disgrace to my father, I became a pile of trash to her too. The pack members took the lead from my father. The pack repulsed me and bullied me. I became nothing but a hand-maid to them. I was malnourished and started transforming to an even sicklier and weaker girl than I was at first.

Every morning, I awoke at six and had to go and prepare breakfast for the pack. It was no easy feat, seeing as there were over four hundred hungry werewolves. I had to be extra careful to. If I jostled one pan, any light-sleepers on the second floor would hear and awake. I liked the pack house best when there wasn't anyone awake or around to bully me. I reveled in the loneliness.

That morning, I awoke yet again at six. I changed to baggy jeans and a shirt. I looked into the cracked mirror on the wall and tried to see whether my hair was presentable or not. It was difficult when there was a jagged line cutting my reflection in half. But from what I could see, my straight jet-black hair was only a little bit messy. I was much too thin and my strange violet eyes looked too big for my face. I knew that I could try to sneak a bit of food for myself but I was too afraid of the consequences if anybody found out. I picked up a worn-out satchel bag from the floor and unlocked my door before making my way down the wooden staircase. It was extremely old and hardly anyone used it. Except for me of course.

I lived in the attic. Technically, I was on the top floor of the pack house and the view was always amazing. I could watch the sun go down. The staircase was slightly rotted and I tried not to think about falling through a hole in the stairs and plunging into an abyss. When I finally got to safer grounds - namely the next floor - I let out the breath that I hadn't even been aware I had been holding. I was on the ninth floor. This was where all the pack officials lived. The Alpha, Beta and important figures with their families. My heart ached when I remembered that I wasn't part of them, curled up on silk sheets. I continued down the stairs to the eighth floor. The entire floor was reserved for guests. There were more than a dozen spacious rooms, each with their own bathroom and furniture. How I wished I could sleep there!

At last, I reached the kitchen. It was large, to say the least, and was equipped with all sorts of cooking equipment and hi-tech machines that I couldn't even name meant to make cooking easier. I first started off with the bacon. I took out about fifty packs of bacon from the fridge and used an extra-large frying pan to fry the bacon. Still, it took nearly ten batches before I was done. Letting them sit to one side, I began to peel potatoes at top speed and cut them into fine slices. I fried them as well. I cut some lettuce and tomatoes and other leafy vegetables. When I was done, the bacon hadn't even cooled yet. I could hear from upstairs the groan of bed springs as people started to wake up. I hurries up and carried the bowls of vegetable out to the dining table before returning to the kitchen. I was just bring out platters of bacon and potato when I nearly walked into a figure.

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