Chapter 9 - Bad First Morning

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I don't know whether I should do Jackson's P.O.V. I wasn't too sure. But I'll just go with the flow as I write.


Chapter 9 - Bad First Morning

I awoke next to Kyle in a new guest room at seven. Remembering why I had had to switch rooms for the night, I growled internally. Jackson's existence ruined everything. Kyle must have had sensors watching out for my anger level because he suddenly woke up. Seeing me awake, he smiled at me and I smiled back. We got lost in each other's eyes. Kyle was the perfect mate. I would love to always wake up to his face and maybe even marry him one day. Kyle was so wonderful, I didn't know how I would live without him.

"Morning," I whispered and Kyle chuckled, "Good to see you, ma'am. How was your sleep?" I pretended to consider. "Well," I drawled slowly, "it was all right, except a certain gentleman woke me up several times with his snoring. Kyle's mouth snapped open. "I do not snore!" Kyle protested angrily. I giggled. "I know, handsome," I said, kissing him lightly. "Just teasing." Kyle smiled and we changed for training.

I had to bang on Cole and Chance's bedroom door before one of them answered. Chance's hair was messy and his clothes were crumpled. He had obviously just rolled out of bed. "What?" he asked sleepily, trying to stifle a yawn. "Chop chop!" I screamed at him, probably waking up the whole pack. "Get your butts off the bed and get your breakfast. Meet at the training field in thirty minutes!" Several annoyed people poked their heads out of their rooms to complain. "Now!" I roared and the income of negative feedback ceased immediately.

"Let's go down then, baby," Kyle said and I nodded my assent. In the kitchen, I saw Harmony at the stove, trying to flip an omelet unsuccessfully. "Hi, Harmony," I greeted lightly, while inside I was smoldering with anger. That pan was too heavy for a thirteen-year-old like Harmony. "Hello, Kim," Harmony replied, trying to smile with her two hands supporting the pan. My heart fractured once more and I approached her. "Here," I offered and helped turn over the omelet for her. Harmony beamed at me and thanked me profusely. Seeing that the egg was cooked, I put it onto a plate.

"Eat this," I said, trying to give Harmony the plate but she stepped back, shaking her head frantically. "N-No, Kim," she stammered. "I'm not al-allowed to eat the pack's breakfast!" I persisted, "That's an order, Harmony." Harmony hesitated but could not help but follow the demand, seeing as I was an authorative figure to her. She slowly took the plate and started eating it with her bare hands. In no long time, she was scarfing down the omelet like she hadn't eaten in a long time - which was probably the case.

"I'll do the eggs," I said, picking up the pan when Harmony had finished the omelet. "And you can help me to crack and beat them." Breakfast was quickly cooked, especially when Kyle offered to fry bacon. With three people on the job, it was an easy feat to make breakfast. Harmony kept on stuttering out her thanks, even when I said it wasn't necessary. Throughout the fifteen minutes, Kyle kept on giving me glances filled with adoration and admiration. And I returned them. I was just doing what Kyle would have.

The three of us laid out breakfast in the dining room together and I sat down with Kyle to eat. Harmony wanted to excuse herself but I made her stay and she did in the end, siting beside Kyle and opposite me. After a while, Cole and Chance joined us, followed by Goldhill Pack. Goldhill Pack threw amazed and hateful looks at Harmony who sat there eating as much as she could. Most people, seeing me glaring at them, would avert their gazes and ignore Harmony.

At last, the only people missing were Jackson and Monica but I didn't mind. Jackson's absence did not burden me and I was able to talk freely. I caught Jackson's scent behind me and people gasped slightly. Curious, I turned around and saw Monica's smug face. Jackson looked equally arrogant and he seemed to be eyeing me closely. Narrowing my eyes at him for a moment, I tried to see what would have gotten me all worked up. And then I saw it.

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