Chapter 4 - Perfect...At First

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Chapter 4 - Perfect...At First

Fire was burning at the pit of my stomach. The flames threatened to engulf my entire being and roast me alive till I was nothing but a charred piece of meat. I vaguely heard Kyle use God's name in vain in the midst of a string of cursing. My heart felt like it was being stabbed again and again. Although this wasn't new to me, it still hurt like hell. I felt my hand being held by both of Kyle's and I felt the flames and stabbing falter for a moment. I didn't understand what was happening. The previous times, I had gone through the agony for an hour at the least without stop, so, why was the situation becoming different now?

"Love," my wolf growled lowly. I finally grasped the reason. Unconsciously, I had accepted Kyle's offer and consented to be his mate and Luna. At once, a warm feeling enveloped my heart, providing it with armour from the relentless knife. All I could feel were soft little thuds, like the knife still trying to pierce through the protection and resume cutting into my heart. The fire was slowly but surely being extinguished until there was no more pain. With the flames, the knife had left and I was able to open my eyes.

I was looking up at the sky as I had collapsed. Kyle had evidently lain me down on the floor. His concerned face hovered above mine and he asked, "Are you all right? This one only lasted for five minutes. I can't believe that bastard cheated on you again." I smiled up at him and pulled his face to mine forcefully.

This was the first time I had kissed a boy. And it felt perfect. Heat rose again but it was pleasant. Instead of giving me agony, it provided me with need and wanting. Our lips moved in sync and fireworks set off. It was a good thing that werewolves could hold their breath longer because we weren't coming up for air any time soon.

After what felt like seconds, Kyle pulled away. He helped me into a sitting position and I leaned against a wall. "Wow," he breathed. "That was" I chuckled at how lost for words Kyle was. It was rather cute. "That kiss was amazing, Kim, and I can't wait to do it again, but, do you mind explaining everything?" I consented and told him of how his offer and love had saved me lots of pain. When I was done, Kyle was speechless again.

"I know this is a bit overdue," I said, "but thanks." Kyle beamed at me at once and I smiled back. My heart was feeling lighter than it had ever had for some time. My wolf was content too and was howling with joy. All thoughts of Jackson were driven out and I had a brief image of my midnight black wolf with Kyle's golden one, their necks twined around one another. "I just want to stay here forever and be with you," Kyle mumbled and I giggled, a rare sound from me. I leaned my forehead against his chest and said, "We're going to have to tell the rest, you know." Kyle swore under his breath as somebody yelled, "Tell us what?"

Kyle and I jumped apart and looked round to see Cole, Chance, Mrs Anderson, Alan and the rest of the pack staring at us. Their expression ranged from joy to...well....elation. Mrs Anderson rushed forward and pulled me into an embrace. "Finally! I was worried that you'd remain single forever! You and Kyle will be so happy! I should know," she said, pulling away towards the end. Her eyes will slightly teary and just a little sad at the memory of her mate. I smiled, "Thanks, Mrs Anderson." Cole, Chance and Alan were surrounding Kyle. Cole and Chance were grinning like mad men and Alan was smiling wanly.

"I'm glad you guys got together," Cole said and Chance nodded in agreement. Alan frowned and pointed out almost accusingly, "You said in the beginning not to hit on Kim." I felt my radiant smile turn upside down and asked, "Why are you so bitter? You don't like that Kyle and I are a couple now or what?" At once, Alan smoothed out the creases on his forehead and his eyes widened. "No, no! Of course not, Kim. I am genuinely over the moon that you and Kyle have found happiness in each other. It's just that the twins and I had had a bet over whether you would really go steady and I've just lost a hundred bucks to these two match-makers," Alan explained, scowling over at Cole and Chance.

I let go of my frown and smiled at Alan, glad he had straightened things out. Alan grinned back uncertainly, aware of how Kyle was glaring at him. "What's the matter now, Kyle?" I asked almost exasperatedly. Was everyone out to be in a foul mood when I was trying so hard to keep things tranquil? Kyle's eyes snapped to mine and his hard eyes immediately melted. He looked much gentler and showed nothing but love for me as he spoke, "I am just pissed off that Alan ruined your mood with something so trivial. But I'm not helping things either, am I?" I shook my head and kissed him. The kiss quickly became more heated and I was soon short of breath.

"Get a room!" Justin shouted and people chuckled. Kyle and I broke apart and Kyle glared at Justin. "We just might, you know," he said suggestively, winking at me. Immediately, Justin's smirk disappeared and his face reflected nothing but disgust at what Kyle was hinting. People snickered and the crows dispersed, the pack going back to daily business. I held onto Kyle's arm to stop him from walking away. "You know what you were talking about just now?" I began. Kyle nodded slowly and said, "Yea-h." "Well, I'm not ready for it. I'm sorry -" I was about to continue when Kyle cut me off, putting a finger on my lips.

"Baby, you don't have to apologise for anything. If you're not prepared, I won't make you. Just tell me when you want to stop and I will. It's not your fault if you don't want to have sex just yet. You are still seventeen, anyway, and I understand." I smiled at Kyle's little speech. I was really smiling a lot today. My cheek muscle were aching but I didn't want to stop. My life was becoming perfect at last.

"I love you," I mumbled, leaning to put my forehead against Kyle's chest. Kyle rested his chin on the top of my head and replied, "I love you more." I smirked and said, "Nope, I do!" And we started a childish argument over who loved the other more. I was convinced I did. We playfully fought and walked back to the pack house. When we neared it, I saw Alan standing on the doorstep, a phone pressed to his ear. He looked grim. When he saw us approaching, I heard him say, "Hold on, he's coming now." He walked a few paces to meet with us midway and passed the phone to Kyle.

Kyle took the phone and put it to his ear. "Alpha Kyle. How may I help you?" I heard some person, a male, probably, talk quickly. Kyle's eyebrows contracted further and further. "I am not too sure. How bad is it?" The person on the other end rattled on even more animatedly. Kyle let out a resigned sigh and said, "Very well. We will arrive tomorrow at, say, five." He said good-bye and then hung up.

"What was that about?" I asked. Kyle seemed to be thinking quickly. "A pack needs help. Rogues have been attacking frequently and their butts are about to be handed to them. The pack wants us to go over and train and protect the pack," Kyle debriefed. I nodded. "Sure. I'll pack my bags now. What pack is it?" I asked. Kyle hesitated and glanced at Alan apparently for help but Alan looked away, evidently out of ideas as well. "Kim, you may not want to go," Kyle said gently.

I frowned at him. "I'm one of your best fighters. You have to take me! Isn't this one of our mottos? Always respond to a cry for help. Here is one and I have to help!" I reasoned. I felt furious. Was Kyle uncertain about my abilities to protect a pack? Hadn't I performed that duty a hundred times over before? Kyle sucked in a shaky breath. "I think you'll change your mind when I tell you this. Goldhill Pack needs our help."

I froze. I wanted to move but my body wasn't reacting to my command. Goldhill Pack? The pack that had destroyed me because I had been me? "Let them die," my wolf snarled. But my human and considerably more compassionate side contested that if this had been any other pack, I would have jumped to help. I thought about my earlier words. How hypocritical I would have sounded if I started singing a different tune at this little piece of news. Kyle and Alan were staring nervously, waiting for the explosion. Instead, I took in a breath and said, "What time do we leave?"

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