Chapter 10 - Training

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Dedicated to katdrake2 for being the first to comment on this whole story! :) Thanks, you really made my day!

Today, 16th November, was the last day of school. I feel so lonely knowing I won't be seeing my friends again in a class! Do you guys get excited or sad on the final day of school?


Chapter 10 - Training

After I calmed Harmony down and got her to take the day off - Doctor Kim's orders - I went down to the training field at seven-thirty. I was glad to see that, despite all the morning drama, everyone had attended the training on time. Kyle, Cole and Chance were waiting for me at the front of the crowd. Kyle nodded to me, gesturing me to get the ball rolling. I nodded back, getting the message. "Okay, everyone!" I shouted, my voice clear. "I've got some rules. One, you do whatever I or Alpha Kyle say. Two, you do not hurt any of the pack members, intentionally or not. Three, don't give me attitude. And four, address Kyle as Alpha Kyle and me as Instructor Marie. Failure to abide by these rules will result in whatever punishment I see fit." There was silence and people listened, not missing a word. I distinctly caught sight of Monica scoffing at me. I glared at her for a moment before continuing, "Pair up now!" There was some scuffling as people tried to find partners. Cole and Chance, of course, picked each other.

"Name yourselves either A or B," I instructed and there was some noises over who would be which. When quiet reined again, I yelled, "Okay! All As, start doing five hundred push-ups! Bs, count them carefully. When A is finished, exchange roles." Goldhill Pack members gasped and tried to protest but an icy-cold stare from me shut them up. Half of the packs dropped and started doing push-ups. I let Kyle do his on his own, knowing he wouldn't cheat me of push-ups. I finished my push-ups in a thrice and stood up to observe the packs. Cole and Chance were having a good laugh. After Cole had done half of the required number of push-ups, Chance sat on his back. It took more energy and strength but Cole managed to complete his.

I surveyed the entire training field. Goldhill Pack members were already gasping and wheezing. None of the As had finished. Monica had given up completely and was standing with her partner who looked unsure of what to do. I walked up to her and demanded, "Monica, continue doing your push-ups." Monica sneered at me. "I don't have to," she said snobbishly. "I've done them all and so has Lily here." I noticed at once that Lily's cheeks had flushed red. Picking up on the fib, I ordered Monica to do another five hundred push-ups.

"Why?" she screamed, causing many people to pause for a moment. I replied in a calm manner, "Because you lied. I saw Lily's look. She knows it too. But I can see she is an innocent party so only you will do the punishment. Lily," I turned to the girl and she started, "make sure Monica does her share. You need not be dishonest. Got it?" Lily nodded frantically and I turned around. There wasn't much warning but the cries and gasps from the crowd was a dead give-away. I spun around and dodged Monica's badly aimed kick.

I didn't show her mercy. Grabbing her outstretched leg, I twisted it and sent her flying and spinning to the ground. She landed with a thud and I stood over her, showing her who was the dominant one. "Rule number one, you do whatever I or Alpha Kyle say," I repeated and made to move away.

"You're only where you are now because you slept with Kyle!" Monica screeched from the ground. "Kyle will see how wonderful I am and then leave you!" There was a grave silence. The packs were watching for my reaction, knowing Monica would have to pay dearly. I took a deep breath and turned around again. I was just about to snap her neck when a figure dashed past me. It was Kyle, he picked Monica up from the ground by her neck and then flung her to the ground.

"You do not say that to my mate!" he snarled loudly, bending threateningly over Monica. "I will never leave her side. And you have some nerve trying to be with me when your Alpha has marked and mated with you. Don't forget this. To you, I am Alpha Marun. Never call me Kyle." And with that, he stormed to my side. "You all right?" he asked, concern in his inky green eyes, still darker than usual. I nodded. "Thank you," I whispered. Kyle gave me a half-smile.

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