Chapter 14 - Changed

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Hi, all! I just noticed that a comment by Hamarkid54 to Chapter 8 - Once A Jerk, Always A Jerk has been reported. I feel offended. Not only is Hamarkid54 my fan, but he is also one of the few who has bothered to comment on this story. Whoever reported it, please don't anymore. If you don't like how Hamarkid54 wrote 'Dumbass', then please grow up. It is a very mild swear word when compared to the whole wide world of curses.

For how seriously maligned Hamarkid54 has been, I dedicate this chapter to him. Hope this makes up for it!


Chapter 14

Goldhill Pack was warned of dangers and threats posed by rogues. Training was stepped up, no one could leave the pack house or territory without permission from the Alpha himself.

Speaking of the Alpha, he was acting strangely. Since I had returned that Friday evening, he had been not as cocky. Jackson wasn't strutting around like usual. He wasn't picking on Harmony or weaker pack members. He wasn't even openly kissing Monica! This drastic change in his arrogant personality confused me a bit but I didn't dwell on it. Although, the little attention I paid to him was making me unwillingly reconsider what Jackson really was as a person. Often, whenever a little kid scraped a knee, he would be the first to rush over and attend to it. The normal Jackson wouldn't even give the child a second glance. "Maybe he's changing," my wolf whispered, hope flickering in her heart. I growled at her, "A leopard never changes its spots."

From then on, I avoided Jackson as much as possible. The bond was making me feel emotions that the jerk did not deserve. But Jackson did not insist on another one-on-one meeting. Instead, he gave me a wide berth. Just what I wanted. I was able to concentrate on Kyle and pack business. We only ever spoke inside of the professional range. For once, he was maturing.

Kyle, however, was changing too. And I was worried. Was the stress from this mission getting to him? All I knew was that the usually talkative and smiling Kyle had been replaced by a thoughtful and quiet boy that I hardly recognised.

There was a pack meeting three days since Friday. It was held in the conference room where the interrogation had been prepared. The atmosphere I was throwing off was tense but Kyle did not do anything to help me relax. That was odd but I gritted my teeth and bore it. If Kyle was feeling depressed, I would not ask for anything out of him. I would help him as he had me.

My pack and Jackson's representing team sat around the table. Jackson was still looking morose and appropriately ashamed in my presence. He shot me a tentative smile which I met with an icy glare. He adverted his eyes at once and looked at Kyle who sat next to me. Kyle was looking at Jackson quizzically but he did not voice whatever questions he had in his head. "How shall we meet with this new threat?" Jackson asked Kyle cordially. Kyle's confused expression was dropped and he looked professional. "Well, it seems too unlikely that rogues should coordinate a joint attack on that mall, especially right after a death of your pack member," Kyle said, concentrating hard. Jackson nodded in polite assent.

"We should probably bring in wolves for patrol," I suggested. "I volunteer for one." "So do I," Cole piped up and Chance nodded. "That makes three," he grinned, rubbing his hands excitedly. Some of Goldhill Pack looked in astonishment at how eager we three were at the prospect of fighting rogues. "I will join," Kyle offered and I squeezed his hand. He smiled down at me wanly but the smile did not reach his eyes. Jackson raised his hand. "So we five will rotate shifts?" he asked for confirmation and we nodded together.

After an hour of planning and preparing, the meeting was ended. People rose to leave and I waited at the doorway for everyone to leave. Just as I was about to cross the threshold, a hand suddenly gripped my arm. I resisted the overpowering urge to toss it aside and turned around. "Yes?" I asked coldly, raising an eyebrow. Jackson took a deep breath, as though he were uncertain. "Could I please talk to you?" he asked, his tone low and quiet with genuine pleading. I searched his eyes carefully and saw how they reflected sincere emotions. I thought about his behaviour from the past few days and concluded that he deserved this much. I nodded mutely and Jackson beamed, really glad and relieved.

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