Chapter 18 - The Mark

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First off, I am so very sorry for taking so long. I know there is no excuse for taking over a week to update, but still, I am so so so so so sorry. To everyone who has followed and waited for this, thank you so much for not giving up on me.


Chapter 18 - Ups and Downs

When I awoke the next morning, I felt a sense of complete and utter contentment. It took a moment before all the memories of the night before came dashing back into my brain. After I had nodded my agreement to being marked, things got steamy. We hadn't done the deed in the heat of the moment - thank god for that - but we were close. I got out of bed, careful not to jostle Jackson awake and went into the bathroom to freshen up.

I stood in front of the mirror, trying to figure out a way to deal with the hay-stack that was on top of my head. I took out a comb - my best shot at taming my hair - and began brushing my hair. My eyes followed the comb as I brought it from the crown of my head to the tips of my hair. Suddenly, my eyes caught something on my neck. Leaning forward, I surveyed it carefully. What I saw brought tears to my eyes. That was it? Was that what I had been given by Jackson?

As though my thoughts had travelled through the bathroom door, it was kicked open with an almighty crash. Jackson stood at the doorway, eyes aflame with his battling wolf. Jackson's eyes flitted across the room to assure himself that there was no one else except me inside the bathroom. "I was worried," he grunted, voice husky with tiredness and his inner wolf. "I woke up to no you on my bed." He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut, doubtlessly attempting to get his wolf to back down.

When Jackson opened his eyes again, they were sea-green without a trace of black. He took me into his arms and embraced me tightly. In that short and brief hug, he poured out all of his emotions that his male pride refused to let him verbalise. Relief, fear of losing me and complete devotion.

Jackson pulled away and looked me dead in the eye. His features hardened into a frown. "You've been crying," he stated, raising a thumb to wipe away a stray tear on my cheek. "Why?" I sniffed to delay the oncoming mucus and pointed to my neck. Jackson looked carefully and his eyes lost that happy shine for a moment. "Oh," he muttered. He refused to look me in the eye. "I didn't realise." He turned and walked out of the bathroom and returned to the bed. He perched himself on the edge, gripping the bed tightly. I ventured out carefully, a bit confused with the turn of events. Jackson was obviously struggling not to let his wolf out, though I could not understand why.

"I didn't know you didn't want it," Jackson said under his breath. His voice was rough once more, evidence of his wolf. "I am sorry regret it." With a lot of effort, Jackson looked up. His eyes met mine. I took in a sharp breath. Jackson's eyes were pitch-black. They looked like a bottomless abyss and I searched the depths for just a small amount of proof that Jackson's human side was still battling for dominance.

I found nothing.

Jackson got up from the bed and began pacing. His hands were still clenched and his jaw was tense. "If you didn't want to be marked, you could have told me," Jackson said in a voice too gravelly and rough to be his own. A flood of comprehension flooded my heart and I opened my mouth to explain. "Why did you let me then, huh?" Jackson continued without letting me talk. In those words, I heard disappointment, grief and anger. Not at me. But at himself. For doing something as important as marking me, his mate, without my full understanding and consent.

"I should have known," Jackson sneered, but the words were not directed at me. I could see that Jackson's wolf was beating himself up. "I still don't deserve you. I'm still second-best to Kyle. And I get it. Because I am not worthy to be your mate!" Jackson picked up a table-lamp and flung it at the floor. The glass casing of the bulb shattered.

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