Hennessy Hayes

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I wish they would hurry the hell up.

Dressed in Eric's jumper, I sat crouched down looking over the half-wall that overlooked the abandoned entryway. Max and Eric stood at the side as the technicians carried in large crates and drums, rolling them around on pallet trucks, whilst dauntless guards paraded around the perimeter.
"What happening?"
I turned around, Four and Harry crouched down on either side of me.
"This is it, been here thirty minutes," I whispered, running a hand through my freshly dyed hair.

In the light, Max used a crowbar – prying open one of the blue logoed crates, in his hands he lifted something up; it was small, the contents shimmered orange. He put the vile back in the box, allowing it to be pulled into the compound.
"You staying here Harry?" Four asked," If we all stay it would look suspicious."
Harry nodded holding up a flask," Already prepared."
"Suck up." I coughed, looking around surprised.

Wrapping Harry in a hug, Four and I left the perch – walking around towards the initiate dorm.
"So..." I sang, "How's Tris?"
He shrugged, "How am I supposed to know?"
"You did throw knives at her last week." I pointed out, "Least you could do it ask if she's ok – maybe give her a get well soon balloon."
"No." He said bluntly pushing open the dorm room door.
I lift my arms exasperated, "Just Polite."

with my forearms resting on the cold metal, Tris was missing from her bed again – probably getting a few more hours in before final testing. Smart.
Four hit the pipe on the rail, three rhythmic times.
Molly buried her head in the pillow, groaning as Drew pulled her out from the covers.
"Get up!"
Slamming the door behind us, we went down a floor to the Pit – taking a coffee from the canteen on our way to the training room.

Tris was already there, practising her punches – the glanced at Four before she continued to punch. She was letting out a lot of anger on that bag.
Last week there was an article, one that damned most of Abnegation and her family – the fights last Friday were something else. Molly was on the floor, bloody covering most of her face, it helped Tris's rank, but she was still in the red.

Storming in, Eric walked up to us – ignoring the initiate on the bag, he peered over my shoulder at the listings.
"You look good in my clothes," He whispered.
I nodded," You'd look shit in mine."
"Would I?" He smirked," Don't think I'd look good in a black lace bra?"
"Nope." I laughed.
He rolled his eyes," I'm hurt truly."
"Get over it." I smiled, taking the board.
" I want to change one." He said seriously.

"What to?" I asked putting the board behind my back.
He took it from my hands as the initiates walked in," You'll find out."
"That's not an answer." I said as he walked away, "Eric! That's not an answer, I don't like surprises."
"Don't I know it." I hear him say from where he stood, a slight smile on the left side of his face.

Al. What can I say about Al?
He's a fucking idiot I though as I circled Christina's name.
She looked as confused as we did when she walked out of the ring – since the fight with Will earlier in the Stage, he's never won a fight even though he is more capable than of it- Christina is half is height and three quarters his weight. He should've won, at least that one.

Will vs Molly

"Peter vs Tris!"

"What!" I shouted, almost dropping the red pen, "Are you completely insane?"
He raised his eyebrow.
"Never mind, your Eric, of course your insane." I rolled my eyes at the man, who five minutes ago wasn't a complete asshole.

Peter looked smug as he entered the ring – standing with his shoulders back and feet apart, making him look more intimidating than normal. As Four spoke to Tris, in the corner he cracked his neck pulling his arms across his body. I rolled my eyes at his smugness – even in the same chosen faction where we are logically supposed to share some characteristics, I still don't see it.

Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now