Hennessy Hayes

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Anyone ten and above had made it.

1. Tris
2. Uriah
3. Lynn
4. Marleen
5. Peter
6. Will
7. Christina
8. Noah
9. Clara
10. Sarah
11. Molly
12. Drew

By some miracle, Peter made the same rank as me.

On the tables, our newest members cheered as their names wrote themselves onto the boards. Four had this new look of accomplishment and pride as he saw his girlfriend rank the same as him.
Drink in hand, I looked up – Eric and the other leaders had the same stone expression on their faces, not an ounce of happiness between them.
Moly, Drew and Meg was escorted out by the guards as the cheers got louder, the look of worry and fright on their face. Better factionless than human test subjects like last year.
"That's my brother!" Zeke yelled loudly, leaving Shauna rolling her eyes at him.

Max stood with a large smile on his face, "Congratulations, New Members of Dauntless. You have all done us proud by making it this far, now to put a spanner in many works. As you are aware, we have been building a new control room; this one allows us to track where you are in the city. This is a city-wide plan so we have properly gathered the number of people who are in each faction and how many occupants Chicago has –"
Rolling my eyes at the lies, Four, Harry and I shared a look across the room – last night of freedom.
"We are stopping the celebrations at midnight so we can have you all added to the system as quickly as possible." Max finished, making eye contacted with every member," There are side effects such as tiredness and dizziness but do not worry a good-nights sleep will cure it. Enjoy the rest of the festivities."

Our usual group of eight sat around on the rocks in the pit, the bars having stands located on the four corners of the pit. Ronnie came back with a tray of our usual drinks, holding it above her head so she could push passed everyone. Theo and Angel danced together in the middle of the mosh pit, the music sending ripples in the water.
"Well, another year has gone." Shauna sighed," Wonder what the new year will bring."
Ronnie let out a deep sigh," New cocktails hopefully, this one sucks."
"What are you drinking?" I asked her, stirring my drink slightly.
She examined it at a distance," It's called motor oil –"
"That's not reassuring in the slightest." Shauna smiled into her class.
"What's in it?" Charlie asked, smelling the drink, his eyes going wide," That smells revolting."
She nodded,?" it's Jagermeister, peppermint schnapps, cinnamon schnapps and coconut rum –"
"That is an abomination of drinks." Zeke shuddered, announcing his arrival
I wrinkled my nose up," Anything with coconut in, is horrid."
Bran looked up at Zeke," Where is Uriah, I'd expect him to be bragging about coming second."
"Uriah and Marleen are stuck with Ma, as she crushes them in her warm hugs." Zeke rolled his eye, bring Shauna closer to him.
Shauna groaned," Damn, I love her hugs."

Standing up from the rocks, I joined the mosh with Ronnie – the two of us swaying to the music. As the bass got heavier, beer and other drinks went up in the air, raining down like an alcoholic sprinkler system. Last year we mostly stayed on the rocks and in the Lounge, joining in was a lot more fun.
Nearby, Charlie and Bran were with the other Dauntless Born from their Initiate class. With a glass in the air, Maddie had her arm around Maisie and Ambrose as large toothy smiles on their faces as they pushed each other around in a typical Dauntless fashion.

"Are you staying with Eric tonight?" Ronnie yelled over the music.
I shook my head," No, gonna spend it with my amazing Doctor friend so she can tell me all about her new love life."
She smiled, "Who said I'm saying a word.
"The several shots you will be having in twenty minutes tells me that." I laughed as we got pushed around by the taller members

Angel and Theo waved good-bye as the continued their anniversary evening, as I danced, I watched as they were stopped by the guards at the stairs then pointed in another direction.

Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now