Hennessy Hayes

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Moths covered her.

They were in her ears and up her nose. She tried to brush them off, but more landed every time she got rid of a few. Christina kept her mouth closed, learning the hard way after she almost swallowed several moths in the first few seconds of her last fear starting.
She pulled herself into a ball, the moths crawling through her hair and finding their way under her clothes. Christina shuddered as she attempted to lower her breathing enough to move on.

Incased in a cocoon of moths, their small wings hitting her in the face and making the hairs on her arm stand on edge. Her heart rate slowly lowered enough to release her.

Sitting up, back straight – she continued to brush off moths that were not on her. I rushed over, grabbing on her wrists before she hurt herself.
"Christina." I spoke strongly," You aren't there anymore."
She calmed down slowly but subconsciously kept rubbing her leg like she was still pushing moths off her.
"Do you want some water?" I asked her, gesturing to the water fountain at the back of the room
"I'm fine, thank you," She shook her head," Can I ask you a question."
"Sure." I smiled supportively.
She twisted around," Is it true that someone dies doing this."
"There have been close calls but fundamentally, no." I spoke truthfully," We have defibrillators on hand in case though and the Quick response team on speed dial and that's from experience."
Christina nodded, "One more, is there a way to make this easier?"
I shook my head," No, but the more accustom to the situations the landscape puts you in the more familiar they become."
"The more familiar, the easier it feels?"
"In theory," I muttered.
Christina smiled a little, her body language suggesting she was starting to feel more confident about it all. Letting her out, I close the door behind her, writing in any information that had come up during the landscape.

Name of Initiate: Christina Nelson

Number of Fears: 12

Time Taken: 19 mins and 59 second

Note: 3 minutes quicker than the previous try.

signed: Vanessa 'Hennessy' M. Hayes.

The next and last name on my list was Al. When he walked into the room, he was already nervous before he got into the simulation which doesn't help.
"You need to relax." I pressed as I set up the needle.
He looked down at his legs," I know what's coming, how can I relax."
"Having a high heart rate will only make it harder when you get it the simulation because you are already bracing yourself for it." I pointed out.
He nodded," Ok."

When I thought it was best, I inject him with the serum and watched what he did. According to Lauren's notes, in total he had fifteen fears: Loneliness, Failure, Disappointment, Large Crowds, Snakes, being caught in a lie, Heights, hurting someone, Spiders, choking to death, being burnt alive, killing someone, disownment, not fitting in and Public humiliation.

Angel popped in, passing me a large mug off coffee with a packet of unopened digestives from the kitchen.
"How long has he been in there?" She asked.
"Thirty minutes." I sighed," he should be out soon."
She nodded," Ok, after him, I'm taking over from you; it's four-thirty and he's picking you up at six."
"Thank you." I said, offering her a biscuit," Take a few for Ronnie too, she's on the late shift today."
Angel smiled," Already given her a packet of Jammie Dodgers."
My mouth fell open," Traitor."
Angel snorted," Deal with it."
Sticking my tongue out, I gave her a quick wave as I focused back on the Landscape.

Al was stood at the side of the road, a home-made sign tied around his neck. People who passed him pointed their fingers and took pictures of him, Al cried when the kids laughed at him.
Looking down, Al never made eye contact with the people who laughed at him. From the crowds, a little boy picked up a tomato off the ground and threw it directly at Al's head.
This triggered more people to do the same until Al was covered in pieces of rotten fruit.

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