Hennessy Hayes

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"Ten minutes thirty-six," I informed her as I typed it into the system.
Lynn's shoulders fell," Is there any way to make it easier?"
I sighed," This is coming from not only your instructor but your friend, facing them is a lot easier than running."
She nodded," I'll try that next time. Thank you, Hen."
"No worries, send it whoever is never Lauren has the clipboard."

Resetting the simulation, I replaced the needle; throwing the previous one away in the Hazard Bin near the back door. Twisting another vile in the injection gun, I looked up as the metal door closed. Peter stood looking awkward, slowly making his way to the chair. We hadn't spoken since he shouted at me at Visiting Day.
"You know the drill?" I asked, fixing the electrodes to his temple and two separate pulse points.
He nodded," Yep."
"Good," I spoke without emotion," Good luck."
"I don't need it." He snarled.
Shrugging, I stabbed the needle into the vein," Everyone needs luck, even you."
His glare didn't subside as he eyes closed and a picture came up on my screen.

Dressed in black, Peter stood on the balcony that overlooked the canteen where the leaders usually stood. Behind him, Max and Eric stood with unfamiliar looks of hatred and smugness.
"Maybe a few words from our new Leader."
Peter smirked, his face twisted as he looked down at everyone," I am very glad to be standing here -

The crowds that stood in the around the canteen, started to laugh. Looking down, Peter's jeans were around his ankles showing off his pink boxer shorts. His confidence diminished in seconds and was replaced with anger and embarrassment, making his breaths come out short and shallow.
"Well, that was quite the opening statement." Max laughed.
Through his anger, Pete pulled up his black jeans stepping back from the edge of the balcony.

On the monitors I noticed his heart rate spikes start to even out, making a note of the time I entered the data into the system.

Walking into the shadows, a mirrored box took form in the darkness. All around him was his reflection. Unaware of what was going to happen, he fixed his hair moving the side until it was perfect to him. The reflection stopped moving.
"How could you?" It asked," You treat everyone like they are below you, Peter. You are nothing but a disappointment to your parents, your sister, even yourself."
"Shut up," Peter growled at his reflection.
It smirked back at him, "You know she will never love you again, you manipulated her!"
"I don't care!" Peter shouted back.
It shook its head," You know the sad thing, she will always be there even when you don't deserve anything."

In a fit of anger, Peter punched the mirror. From the impact, it cracked in a circle, where his fist in the glass the cracks were close together but as it radiated out the cracks got large and further apart.

"Did that help?" His reflection tormented from another wall," Little Peter Hayes, always so angry."
Clenching his fits, Pete snarled," Fuck off."
"I'm you, Peter, I'm not going anywhere."

He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths, at times his head twitched as his inner monologue tormented him even more. Slowly the mirrored scene faded as it moved on to the next fear.

Peter opened his eyes; he was in the initiates dorm. The security lights were dimmed down to allow them to sleep but bright enough so they could find the toilet in the middle of the night or the door if the fire alarm sounded.
Blinking, he looked around the room when he saw the others he calmed down thinking he was back in his dorm and no in the simulation. Jumping out the shadows, Drew and Molly held him down – Molly holding his legs as Drew held down how shoulders.
"What the hell!" Peter yelled as he struggled against his friends grasps.

In the darkness, the was a glint of silver as heavy boots stood next to his bed. Edward looked down at him with the knife twirling in his hands, across his face was a black eye patch that covered the wound that Peter caused. Down his neck was the evidence he was once dauntless, a neck tattoo that was partly hidden under his shirt as it went down his shoulder.
Peter swallowed hard as he saw the knife.

Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now