Hennessy Hayes

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"Don't be disappointed if your family doesn't show up." I said with a deep breath," Don't get too attached because you will be staying whilst they are leaving."
Four nodded, "Stage Two starts on Monday, enjoy the rest of the weekend."

Leaving the dorms, Four and I walked towards the pit; the odd Candor or Erudite parent walking through the corridors towards their child's apartment.
"What are you doing?" I asked as we walked through the windowless corridors.
He shrugged, "What I do every year, sit in a bar drinking beer and eating."
My face dropped a little," No one comes for you?"
He stopped walking," Do you remember when you did my tattoo?"
I nodded.
"And the marks you covered up?"
Swallowing my sadness I nodded again.
Giving a sad smile he looked down at me, "That's why no one visits me."
"I'm so- "
He hit me behind the head, "Don't even say it, but please don't say a word."
"Promise." I nodded with a straight smile," Have a good day."
"You too." He gave a small smile," And Hen."
Looking up at him I gave him a questioning look," Yeah?"
"Happy Birthday."

A smile broke on my face as we split ways; I sat on the walkway that went above the Pit.
All the shops where open the bars full of crowds outside the doors, the sea of different colours mingled in with he usual black and dark colours – the odd brightly coloured head of hair pushing their way through.
Angel stood next to Theo in front of her parents, from up here I smiled as Theo was brought into Mrs Thomas's famous boa like hug. There was one speck of grey in the crowds, the way she walked through the pit was almost a muscle memory like she was meant to be here. She looked up at me, a flash of recognition hit her body language for a second before I lost her in the crowds.

Near the back was a small family, a blonde with a baby; a man in a crisp white shirt and an old lady with a brightly coloured blanket over her shoulders. In front of them was the distinctive posture of my brother; trying to act like the Peter they knew without destroying the reputation he had already built here.
Taking a breath, I walked down the metal steps, forgetting about the Abnegation women from earlier. I pushed my way through the crowds; Gran's face broke out as she saw me approach.
"Vanessa." She spoke her frail arms wrapping around me.
I smiled into her hug; the familiar smell of homemade marshmallows embedded in her clothes. "Abuelita."
She held me at arm's length," Still give the squishiest hugs."
With a bright smile, I nodded," Just for you."
Breaking from Gran's grip, I looked at my dad – he looked older; his hair a little greyer than before however, his usual smart attire didn't change. Camilla looked the same, bright blonde hair in a typical lawyer hairstyle the seven-month-old baby in her arms.
"Dad." I spoke giving a thin-lipped smile," Camilla."
Taking a deep sigh, Dad turned to Peter," How's Training?"
He nodded, "Good, ranked first."
"For now," I mumbled under my breath.
Peter glared at me from the corner of his eye," Better than Nessa."
"I didn't aim to be first though." I sneered.
Camilla gave her usual preppy smile," Vanessa, have you met Eddie."
"Eddie?" I questioned," You names the baby Eddie?"
Gran rolled her eyes," Such a meh name, Alister or Carlos – good strong names."
"Abuelo was called Carlos." I pointed out," Could be classed as a biased opinion."
Granny huffed," La puta puta, desearía que se ahogara en su propio perfume barato"
"Don't we all," I sighed, nodding my head to whatever they were talking about.

Dad coughed," So Vanessa, anyone in your life."
"Yes, he's going to be back around one so –"
Camilla smiled," In the next hour, this is wonderful."
"Oh, you have no idea." I smirked before pulled on a fake smile," How's Danielle and Rebecca?"
"She's settled into Amity, we went their first –"
"No es que tuviera que decirlo en" Gran mumbled, fixing the position of her blanket.
Camilla rolled her eyes," Then dear Rebecca, she loving Candor; isn't she dear. Making friends with a lovely girl called Alice."
"How's Dauntless treating you?" Dad asked.
I nodded, "It's good, I'm training the initiates at the moment then I go back to my lovely tattoo job. I live with Angel and Ronnie so it's never dull."
"And this guy –"Dad said unsurely, "What's he like?"
"Erm." I spoke, unable to think of anything to say," He's very erm – driven."
Gran nodded," Good, don't need a wimp – can he cook?"
"Yes?" I answered.
Peter scoffed, "Who is it then?"

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