Hennessy Hayes

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Does it ever shut up?
From the bed, I leaned over him – slamming the bedside table till it stopped beeping.
"What time is it?" he asked groggily.
"One in the morning." I groaned, falling back on the pillows.
He ran a hand through my hair as he got up," Come on, you have to get the extra's up."
"Those 'extras' are my friends." I pointed out, as I sat up – wanting to snuggle back up with the extra blankets.

Picking some clean clothes from the wardrobe – I pulled a V-neck burgundy top over my head as I pulled the boots from out under the bed.
"Where am I meeting you?" I shouted over the sound of the shower.
Eric walked out, a black towel loosely tied around his hips," loading bay, the train is set to stop for twenty minutes."
I nodded," Ok. Ronnie said that Tris is leaving the hospital when she's ready so hopefully she can come."
"She's not." Eric said sternly," She's cut."
I creased my eyebrows," But you said they aren't official, she has time to change it."
"She's below the line – why do you care so much?"
I sighed, falling back on the bed," She reminds me of Ronnie a little, not a lot of physical strength but has the mind to make up for it."
"What would you have me do?" He asked, genuinely intrigued
"If she makes it to the train, and she has enough determination to make it – give her a chance and by some miracle her team wins; she stays. If she loses; her rank stays the same and no one needs to know."
"Twelve twenty the train sorts off, don't be late."
I nodded with a smile pulling on my face, kissing the bottom of his jaw," Sure."

Harry, Ronnie, Bran and Charlie stood by the back door ready to go – each one of them looked sleep-deprived.
"Where is Angel?" Harry asked, zipping up his jacket.
"Waking up the Dauntless born most likely." I shrugged," But we need a plan."
Bran raised an eyebrow," For what?"
"Keeping Tris in Dauntless." I stated as we made our way to the train," If she takes the flag, it will earn her enough points to make it to stage two."
Ronnie nodded," That would work but why would we do that?"
"I'm playing matchmaker and I've been trying to get Four and Tris together for the last three weeks" I shrugged," even someone as stiff as Four needs someone."
Charlies let out a breathe," Oh what the hell, sure; what have we got to lose."
"Pissing off Eric and getting kicked out?" Bran suggested.
Ronnie swung an arm over my shoulder," We have Nessa, he wouldn't kick us out, this girl could change the minds of any blue-eyed leader."
"Oh shut up and get on the train." I sneered jokingly.

We stood on the opposite side of the train to the initiates creating more noise than necessary; Four stood by the door counting people in.
At exactly twelve twenty, the train started to pull off, picking up speed by the second.
From the corner of my eye, a distinctive head of blonde hair walked through the crowds. Four's lips pulled up a little as Eric walked away from the confrontation. From my place on the train, we shared a look – both of us know what we meant.

Halfway to the fair, Four dropped an old black bag that was similar to the bags we carry sniper rifles in.
"The game is simple, like capture the flag –"
Charlie laughed," It is, capture the flag."
Ronnie elbowed him in the ribs, "Shut it, Charlie."

Zipping open the bag, Eric lifted a thin red gun. The six of us looked at each other, different expressions all mirroring confusion, I guess the rule changes also applied to the paintballs we used last year. It was similar to a steering wheel lock, the barrel was thin in diameter with the grip being the part that locks the wheel in place.
"Weapon of choice –"
Molly smirked, turning to my brother," You call that a gun?"
Oh boy, don't these initiates ever learn, or are they permanently just stupid.

Pulling the what could be the safety back, he shot her in the top of her leg around mid-thigh. Within a click, she was in the ground – groaning with the silver dart in her leg – the pain only stopped when the dart was pulled from her leg.
"Neuro-stim dart," Eric said boarded," This little thing simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound -"
Ronnie lent over," Why on Earth would they need to feel that."
"No idea," I whispered, a heavy feeling filling my chest.

Her Dauntless [2]   //Divergent// Eric CoulterWhere stories live. Discover now