Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV  

"Love conquers all. I love you Rachel." I look down in to Quinn's bright hazel eyes and smile. I wrap my arm around her as she snuggles into my shoulder. I can't contain how happy I am right now, I finally got the girl and we just won Regionals a couple days ago. I look around the glee clubers and they are all either smiling at Quinn and I or giving a quick nod. Mr. Schuester starts the days lesson but is quickly interrupted. 

"Hola clase." Holly Holliday enters the class quickly and approches Mr. Schue next to the piano. The class cheers loudly. Oh geez is she going to sing another inappropriate song. 

"I thought you were going home for the day." Mr. Schue whispers not so quietly. Miss. Holliday faces the all of us. 

"I couldn't possibly miss my favorite class of the day." She says pumps her hands in the air and the class erupts again. I lean my head down to Quinn's ear. 

"She got some energy that I don't understand." I admit and roll my eyes. Everybody loves her but Quinn and I don't understand the hype. Quinn looks up to me and smiles.

"What you're trying to say is this bitch is fucking crazy." Quinn and I laugh. 

"Yes I am crazy thank you." Miss. Holliday calls Quinn out and points to her. We both look at Miss. Holliday like a deer in headlights. "Carrying on.." Miss. Holliday continued. Quinn and I exchange a look and start cracking up. After the enthralling class, it wasn't Miss. Holliday is really just crazy, Quinn and I walked down the empty halls hand in hand. 

"Now that we are officially girlfriends, what is the first thing we should do?" Quinn teases me and bites her lip. I place my finger on my lips and mimic thinking to mess with Quinn. She nudges my shoulder and grunts. 

"You should come sleep over at my house." I plead and stuck out my bottom lip. 

"Yeah?" Quinn raised an eyebrow and leaned down. 

"Yeah." I say innocently and Quinn pulled my bottom lip between hers sucking for a second. 

"Okay." Quinn kissed my forehead. "But its a school night." She protested. 

"Easier to carpool." I say and Quinn kisses the smirk off my lip. 

"I can't say no to you." She says as we approach her car. 

     The next day at school Quinn and I walked with our hands intertwined to 4th period. 

"Sooo prom is coming up in about a month." Quinn looked at me expectantly with her big hazel eyes. 

"Do you want me to ask in you a grand gesture or something." Knowing Quinn she would want me to buy ten bouquets of flowers and bring her a sign asking her to prom. 

"Actually I want to run for prom Queen. Its been my life long goal to be prom Queen." I look up at Quinn with my eyebrows smashed together. I understand the Queen part but I am her girlfriend who would her King? "What Rach, what's wrong? You know I want this so much." She squeezes my hands and snaps me out of my trance.  

"Who will be your King?" If she says Finn I'm going to storm away. Quinn starts reluctantly.

"I talked to Puck..." 

"Noah? Your baby daddy? My best friend?" I can't wrap my mind around the concept. 

"Rachel your mine completely but he just broke up with Lauren again and Finn and Puck are the most eligible bachelors. I chose the latter for obvious reasons." Quinn rubs circles on my hand as she tries to calm me down. "He already agreed to help me, but prom is a month away things could change." I stay silent trying to understand why Noah would do this to me. I drop my hand from Quinn's and shake my hands next to my head. 

"Woah woah woah woah woah." I take a deep breath and begin to relax. "First of all I am going to kick his ass for agreeing without telling me." Quinn nodded. "If his womanizer ass thinks for a second that.." 

"I'm all yours." Quinn cuts me off and kisses me on the cheek. I see out the corner of my eye Dave Karofsky walking up to Quinn and I with 2 giant slushies in his hands. As he tosses the red dye number 7 ice at us I move my binder up in front of Quinn's face blocking her effectively. I close my eyes tightly as the cold ice smacked against my face and the football player walked away laughing.

"Homos." He called behind his shoulder. Quinn looked at me in shock, a bit of her hair and shirt had red on it but she was to worried for me to notice. She whispers 'Oh shit". I drop the slushie soaked binder to the floor and dig my fingers into my eyes to get the cold out of my eyes.

"Oh my gosh Rachel are you okay?" Quinn asked knowing I wasn't.

"I'm fine the corn syrup just burns my eyes profusely but I'm used to it at this point." At least once or twice a week my whole high school career I have been getting slushie facials.  I wipe my mouth with one of my hands. "Cherry is the worst flavor." Quinn directs me to the bathroom. "Wait I need to get the slushie emergency kit from  my locker." 

"You have one of those, I just pack spare clothes." Quinn asks me and places an arm around my waist to steady me as my vision is starting to blur from the corn syrup. 

"I'm surprised you don't." I rub my eyes lightly. Quinn brings me to my locker and then to the bathroom. She props me on a chair and I lean my head in the sink. 

"Blue is the worst." Quinn says while rinsing my hair out and I chuckle. 

"I know it makes you look like avatar down there." Quinn lifts me out of the sink and hands me a towel. "Thank you, but I know how to take care of slushie facials." I wrap the towel around my hair and move to take my red soaked sweater off.

"I know you do I wanted to help you." Quinn smiles sympathetically and I pry off my shirt. "Thank you." Quinn sits down in the chair and looks at her hands. I pull my fresh shirt on over my wet hair. 

"For what?" I ask and use the towel to dry my hair as best as I can. 

"You blocked me from the slushie. I didn't even see that jerk wad coming. Now your binder is ruined, I think its still on the floor where you dropped it." Quinn rambles on. I climb onto her lap to silence her. 

"Your welcome baby. I do what I can." I press my red stained lips against Quinn's effectively silencing her. I start to deepen the kiss but Quinn moves back. "What?" I ask and move my lips to her neck. I can feel her rolling her eyes as she pushes my shoulders back. I groan from the loss of contact. She uses her head to point to the door. On cue the bathroom door opens and Coach Sylvester walks in. She stops as soon as she sees us. 

"Get to class." The track suit wearing coach snaps. "Nobody wants to see your teen angst, get out." She points her thumb over her shoulder, Quinn and I hurry out of the bathroom. "I'm not writing either of you glee kids a pass." 

"We didn't ask you for one anyway." Quinn screeches behind me and we start to run to class holding hands. 

"The glee club," Coach Sylvester says in a deep voice to emphasize her hate for the club. "Did this to you Q, you used to be my top bitch." She yells down the hall at us. I turn to Quinn for a moment she stares blankly ahead and slows down. You got to be kidding me. 

"You chose us Quinn, come on. Sue doesn't love you like the glee club does." I re-grab her hand and we start to move back down the hall. Glee club saved her she knows it. 

"Sorry, Coach Sylvester messes with my head." Quinn says in a low raspy tone as we approach class. 

"I know." I release our hands and hold open the door to english class for her. As we walk in the whole class stops paying attention to our teacher talking at the front of the room and looks at us as we slowly make our way to the back of the class where Santana and Brittany are sitting. 

"What the hell Q, hobbit." Santana breaks the silence. I look at the clock and see we are over 5 minutes late, I wince and turn my head. 

"Santana do not use that language in this class." The middle aged round teacher silences Santana and she rolls her eyes at the teacher. "Ladies where were you." The teachers eyes pierce mine and Quinn's. 

"Rachel got slushied I was just helping to clean her up." Quinn quickly states and bites the inside of her cheek as we make our way to the table Santana and Brittany are at. I pull out a chair for Quinn then I slide in next to her. 

"Fine I'll let it slide this one time, it happens again you both get detention." The teacher continues our lesson. 'Yes' all four of us chant and high five loudly. "If you are a distraction girls I will move you." The plump women calls while writing something on the whiteboard. We all laugh and try to silence each other. After about 10 minutes of the boring vanilla teacher talking she let us do independent work. For the unholy trinity that meant talking and I silently tried to work. After a few minutes Santana spoke up. 

"I found this in the hall." Santana held my red stained binder up by the corner. I was looking for that on our way here. "I only knew it was yours because of the giant gold star on it." Santana snarks and I look up from my paper. 

"I actually found it, I thought it was someones giant tampon." Brittany states and we all give a quick glance to each other before I grab the wet binder out of Santana's loose grip. Quinn took a glance at the paper in front of her and picked up her pencil. 

"Thank you Brittany but I use it for the exact reason I did today." I open the zipper and its empty. "Its just protection from slushies, that's kind of sad." I shrug and throw the soaked binder on the floor under my chair to dispose of later. Brittany pulls my paper away from me and looks at it. 

"Let me get some answers too." Santana leaned in to huddle over my paper as Brittany hogged it. I put one finger on my paper and slide it back. 

"Hey I needed that." Brittany reaches for my paper and I move it away. Quinn laughs at me. 

"I'll give it to you if you let me finish it first." I say and start to scribble on the paper. Santana rolls her eyes and the two girls turn to each other and start talking. 

"It gets easier to deal with after a while." Quinn informs me and I nod my head. "You got number one wrong." Quinn points to my paper then her's. 

"No." I look between the sheets and read over the question again. "I did." I write down the correct answer and finish the worksheet. 

"Want to come over after glee club?" Quinn asks as the bell rings signaling the end of the period, time for lunch. 

"Of course." I smile and hold Quinn's hand as we walk to the cafeteria. I do need to finish talking to her about this prom thing, the slushie totally derailed our conversation. 

"Does the offer extend to us?" Santana walks up behind Quinn with her pinkie linked with Brittany's. I start to shake my head but Quinn answers first. 

"Uh yeah sure." I nudge Quinn's side and mouth prom. "You can come but me and Rachel need an hour or so to talk about something." She says and I nod my head at her. 

"Okay see you then." Brittany says and the two girls skip off. 

Here is the start of a brand new story. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Party for two (Sequel of the Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza)Where stories live. Discover now