Chapter 5

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Quinn's POV 

     On the car ride home from the doctor I can tell Rachel is fighting her inner demons and is in complete dismay. 

"How are you feeling after that?" I ask breaking the growing tension in the car. "You still want a nose job?" 

"I have to look at the photo's the doctor is making." I nod and place my hand onto her thigh. Please make the right choice and don't do it. "He said they will be in the mail tomorrow when I get home from school tomorrow." I see a small tear in her eyes. 

"This must be degrading isn't it?" I look for anything in Rachel's eyes and all I see is pain, suffering. Rachel's face scrunches up and a whimper falls from her lips. "Rachel are you..." I am interrupted by my Rachy baby crying so hard she can barely breath. "Pull over." I instruct and she does just that. Once she parks the car in the jewel parking lot I lean over and pull her into a tight hug. "Rachy baby tell me what's wrong? What I don't already know of course." She sniffs and tries to catch her breath, she reluctantly pulls from my embrace. 

"This is extremely degrading." I nod, if I interrupt I could make it worse. I've done this a million times with Santana and Britt. "I just want what's best for me and I don't know what that is." 

"I know that sucks." I smile sincerely. I still need to let her vent so I can't voice my opinion yet. 

"Everyone I talk to says something different." She sucks up snot and winces from pain. "My dads said to do what ever I want, you said" she starts to use a stern voice. "don't do it." Her voice softens. "Those are the only opinions I care about and I don't know what to do anymore." 

"What do you want?" I ask and place a limp hand on her face. She looks like she is searching for something in her head. "What would make you happy?" I try asking something else to get a response. 

"I want to wait until those photos come in tomorrow so I can make an informed decision." Rachel smiles lightly. 

"That's a good choice." I smile and move my hand from her face to her thigh. "I love you. Are you ready to go?" Rachel shakes her head. 

"Can you drive?" She asks and starts to cry. 

"Yes baby of course." I get out of the car and we switch seats. As I drive I think of that duet we did a month ago. "Rach do you remember that I feel pretty/unpretty duet." She slowly nods her head next to me. "That would be really fitting right about now." I give myself a quick chuckle and Rachel starts to silently cry. I place my hand on her thigh to comfort her. When I get to Rachel's house I sneak her up to her room without alerting her dads. "Goodnight" I kiss the top of Rachel's head and start to walk away. 

"Stay." She pleads in the voice I can't ignore. I spin around and rush to her side in bed. "I love you." 

"I love you more. And you are absolutely, gorgeous. You are the prettiest girl I have ever met." I kiss Rachel's jaw and make my way to her neck, sucking to leave some red marks. I fall asleep after a couple minutes not knowing if Rachel is asleep or not. 

     At school the next day I see a big, its big because she is big, poster with Lauren Zizes on it saying to vote for her for prom queen. I see some larger girls gawking at it like Zizes is there ruler. Zizes doesn't deserve this like I do. I spin around and find her putting up more of her posters. I immediately march up to her. 

"What are you doing?" If I could I would slap her but she could crush me, whale. 

"Oh hey." She says in a fake cheery tone. "I'm running for prom Queen." 

"As a joke, right?" I glare into her eyes, now I know why Rachel got mad at her. She is so hate-able. 

"Does it look like I am joking?" Zizes says in a snarky tone. 

"Well when your name appears on that ballot the whole school's is going to think its a laugh riot. And you may just get enough votes to win." I feel the my HBIC rage coming back. 

"That's sort of the idea." She uses my words against me but I am unfazed. 

"And as everybody snickers as they try to squeeze that tiara onto your head somebody is going to spill pigs blood on you or something like that. And you'll become more of an outcast then you already are." My evil words seem to have no effect on this girl. 

"Oh okay." Zizes laughs in my face. "I don't know exactly what your problem is?" Your my problem. "But you best bring it Fabray. Because I am hot as hell." I cross my arms and bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself in line. "I keep it real and the people at this school want a prom Queen who is like them." 

"No." I quickly rebuttal. "They want a prom Queen who is somebody they'd like to be." 

Party for two (Sequel of the Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza)Where stories live. Discover now