Chapter 4

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Quinn's POV 

     The whole glee club was standing on the stage in the auditorium. Mr. Schue didn't think our dancing was as good as our singing at regionals so he put us in booty camp. 

"A 5 6 7 8." Mr. Schue called out and Brad starts playing piano. After only a couple steps I hear a smack I turn my head and see Rachel fall to the floor. Oh shit. Everyone stops talking and stares at her on the floor. 

"Rachel." I scream in anguish and run to her side. Her hands are over her nose, I comfort her as I panic to make sure she is okay. 

"I am so sorry are you okay?" Finn says and crouches down on the other side of Rachel. He did this I am going to fucking kill him. I shove his shoulders back. 

"What the hell Finn." Finn backs off, I know he doesn't like it when I'm mad he calls me scary Quinn. Rachel looks up at me and there is blood running from her nose. 

"I'm bleeding." Rachel calmly states, I wipe blood from her nose with my hand and she winces. Mr. Schue finally comes up to my bleeding girlfriend. 

"We should get you to a doctor." Mr. Schue states, yeah no shit. 

"I'll drive." Finn raises his hand. 

"No." I pick Rachel up off the floor. Rachel looks at me with pleading eyes telling me she wants him with her. "Fine but you're sitting in back, frankenteen." I walk Rachel to my car. The drive to the doctors is mostly in silence with Finn interrupting asking if Rachel is okay. I place my hand on her thigh knowing my touch is soothing to her. 

    As soon as we get to the doctor's office I get a text from my mom telling me she needs me to come home. I roll my eyes and I know I need to obey my mom but I need to be here for my girl. 

"Quinn its okay Finn is here." Rachel reassures me. "You can go I am fine." 

"He's the one that did this." I scowl and face Finn he takes a step back from me. 

"Quinn I'm fine I'll meet you at your house when I am done here." I kiss the top of Rachel's head goodbye. 

"Okay I'll go but you better take good care of her." I point in Finn's face. If he ever hurts her again his head will he on a spit. 

"Aye aye captain." Finn puts his hand on his forehead and salutes me. I walk away almost turning around to slap him but I decide against it because I know it would hurt Rach's feelings. I go home and clean up what my mom told me to then quickly ran up to my room to text Rachel. Nothing. I text her again. Nothing. I try calling and texting all night long but it seems as though she is ghosting me. I barely slept that night I was way to worried about Rachel. At school the next day a glee club meeting is called before class started and I run to the choir room because it must have been Rachel who called the meeting. I am surprisingly the last one in the room, Rachel is standing at the front of the room ready to announce something. I collide with her wrapping my arms tightly around her. 

"Are you okay? I have been calling and texting." I say frantically. Rachel pushes me out of her arms. I finally see her nose and its all red and puffy with a small piece of white tape over the top of it. She looks awful. 

"Can you just please sit down?" Rachel asks sincerely and I can hear the pain in her voice. I nod my head and sit next to Santana. Rachel starts talking and I barely understand what she is saying but I do understand one thing. 

"Oh my god you're getting a nose job." I worriedly say. My perfect little girlfriend is perfect she doesn't need to change a damn thing about her. I mean I did get a nose job a while ago why shouldn't she. But Rachel doesn't need to know I had a nose job. 

"I am considering getting a minor procedure to repair my deviated septum." Rachel smiles. Why is she happy about this? 

"So a nose job?" Santana rolls her eyes at her. Rachel defends herself saying she might want a smaller nose like mine. I put my hand up over my nose as the whole club turns to face me. Finn looks at Rachel like she is an absolute idiot and I don't blame him. Then Rachel goes on saying a nose job would help her singing voice. Her voice is already angelic. Mr. Schue tries to talk to her about it. I can't believe Rachel wants to change how she looks. Her whole high school career she has walked around with her head held high. Slushie after slushie she still stood proud. I bet she never even thought about getting a nose job until Finnocence fucked her face up. I start to breath heavy and I feel the rage Rachel had to Mercedes last Friday. I finally snap and lunge at Finn who is sitting on the other side of Santana. Before I can get to Finn Santana grabs my waist. 

"I'm gonna rearrange his face." I scream and Finn yelps quickly before backing up, backing way up. I wrestle in Santana's arms for a second before breaking free and running at Finn. Mr. Schue steps in between the giant and I. I don't back down I try to bust out of his arms. "You did this to her. If you didn't break her nose she wouldn't even of had the choice to want to ruin her face by getting a nose job." I shout. Rachel stands in the middle of the room crying. 

"Quinn stop." Mr. Schue tightens his hold on me as I try everything to get to Finn. He fucked her up. "Rachel help me." Mr. Schue calls to her. Just by hearing her name alone it somehow calms me down. Rachel approaches me and puts a hand on my shoulder.  

"Quinn please stop its my choice." Rachel calmly states. I crumble into Rachel's arms and cry. The whole glee club stares at the scene unfolding before them. 

"Your perfect already." I cry into her ear. 

"That's what you think, I know. But this could..." I interrupt Rachel's cooling words. 

"You don't understand. Don't talk to me until you have made a choice." I push myself out of Rachel's warm embrace and make my way out of the choir room. storming out just like Rachel does time and time again when things don't go her way. 

"Quinn." I hear called behind me from I don't know who because all I hear is Rachel telling me 'That's what you think'. She doesn't think she is as perfect as I think she is.

     I walk to my locker and pull out the Prom King and Queen poster of Puck and I posing together. There are maybe 10 I need to print more. I cool off by walking down the halls and putting up the poster of Puck and I. I take down a defaced poster, I had a curly mustache and Puck had giant buck teeth and a uni brow. I replace that one with a fresh poster, I step back and admire how good Puck and I look together. As running mates not as a couple, I love Rachel. 

     After school there was another glee club meeting and I somehow found the courage to go to it. Even if I did sit in the back left corner while the jolly green giant and my girlfriend sit next to each other in the front row. I roll my eyes as Mr. Schue rambles on about this weeks assignment, acceptance. Ms. Pillsbury takes off her sweater to reveal a white shirt with black bold letters saying 'Ginger'. Apparently all of us glee kids have to find something to put on the shirt and wear it for a performance on Friday. I look down at Rachel and right on queue she spins and faces me. Her chocolate eyes burn a hole into me for a second before I feel pain and regret for snapping at her earlier. Rachel eyes my expression and turns away, flicking her head back at me for a second to see if I was still staring at her which I was. 

"Quinn please pay attention this is important." Mr. Schue kindly asks and I turn my undivided attention to him. I'm still pissy about Rachel though. My phone dings in my pocket I check who's texting me and its Rachel. I tuck my phone under my thigh. Can't she tell I need time we hang out every minute of every day. Rachel spins her head at me to check if I read her text, which I didn't. She turns back around and I roll my eyes, I love that girl too much. My phone dings under my thigh again, and again, and again. I finally pull it out from under my thigh.  

From: Rachel

To: Quinn

Come to my house after school I have an idea for what i want I need your help with it though

From: Rachel 

To: Quinn

Babe I'm sorry about this morning just talk to me 

From: Rachel 

To: Quinn

Quinn I need you 

From: Rachel 

To: Quinn

Stop ignoring me  

I go to type my response but another text pops up.

From: Rachel 

To: Quinn

I'm not gonna stop until you respond 

I snap.

From: Quinn

To: Rachel
Chill out I'll come to your house 

Rachel spins her head at me and smiles. Some time after glee club I find myself in Rachel's bedroom sitting on her bed a she inspects her nose in her vanity. 

"So... what did you decide on?" I ask and fiddle with the bottom of my shirt. 

"I think I might want a nose job." I move to stand up. Rachel puts her hands up and halts me. "I just want to see what it would look like if I got one." I settle back into the bed and nod my head. 

"Okay so what's your model, which celeb do your want you nose to look like?" I ask and stare at her purple nose. 

"Yours." Rachel quietly admits.

"What?!?!?!?!?!?!" I yell, Rachel comes over and straddles me on the bed. 

"The appointment is tomorrow at 4:30 after glee club, I can drive." Rachel kisses me carefully so she doesn't hurt her nose. I know she is using her sweet lady kisses to brainwash me into doing this for her, its working out well for her. I am completely and utterly under her spell. 

"Okay." I kiss into Rachel's neck. 

     Rachel drives me to the doctors office the next day and I talk her ear off making sure she is okay with what she is about to put herself through. Time after time she says yes and I mostly believe her. We sit on a couch in the waiting room of the doctor's office. I cross my legs and read a magazine to distract myself from Rachel's throbbing nose. Rachel stares blankly into nothingness. 

"Thanks for doing this." Rachel taps my shoulder. 

"I'm surprised more girls haven't asked me. My nose is awesome." I say sarcastically. "Are you gonna vote for me for prom Queen even if I'm running with Puck." Rachel nods. 

"Totally. You support me so I support you." Rachel smiles. I press my lips into a line and give a quick nod. We need to figure our shit out. I return back to reading my magazine. 

"So what's it like?" Living, I don't know what you are talking about Rach. I turn my head and glare at her. "Looking like you look." Rachel's chocolate eyes look into mine. She looks so vulnerable, miserable. 

"Being a hot 17 year old I can get away with or do anything I want so I kind of always assumed people where nice and accommodating." I give Rachel a quick smile and the doctor approaches us. 

"So are we ready to pull the trigger." The doctor says ominously. I look over to Rachel she doesn't look as worried as I do. 

"Actually I was hoping I could get an idea of what I could look like after the procedure." Rachel kindly smiles. "Um this is my..." Rachel points to me and is at a loss for words. I turn to the doctor and give him a big bright smile. 

"I'm her girlfriend." I cock my head to the side and keep my grin on my face. "Quinn." 

"Nice nose." The doctor compliments me. 

"Thank you." I nod my head and give a smaller smile. He is kind of creepy. 

"Very nice." The doctor says and looks between Rachel and my noses. Yeah creepy.

"Yeah well Rachel wants it." Rachel stands and nods frantically.

"No problem. So I'll click some pics, make up some photo composites. We'll be ready to rock and roll." With that the doctor walks away and I place a reassuring hand on Rachel's arm. The doctor asks if we are coming and we quickly follow behind him. The doctor sets us up in a large room with a giant white wall that has a blue screen on it and a patients chair. Rachel leans back in the big patients chair as a nurse draws on her nose with a blue sharpie. I stand in front of the dark blue screen and another nurse instructs me to turn in many ways so she can get a good angle of me nose.    

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