Chapter 2

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Quinn's POV 

     After school I drive Rachel to my house to finish our prom conversation that got interrupted by an untimely slushie. I put one hand on Rachel's thigh and the other on the steering wheel. 

"So prom." I nervously start and lightly squeeze her thigh. Rachel closes her eyes and leans back in the chair next to me. 

"Let's wait to talk until we get to your house. We both know this isn't going to end particularly well. I want to lay here and admire your beautiful face." Rachel opens her eyes and runs her hand over my cheek. I smile and nod knowing she's right, this can only end one way. I really don't want to fight but I also really need Puck to help me become prom Queen. I know Santana also wants to run for prom Queen but I don't know who with. She'll probably run with Finn or maybe Sam, both are idiots. "Do you really think that night of neglect thing is really going to work this Friday?" Rachel pulls me out of thought. It might work we do have 3 days to to practice since its only Tuesday. 

"If I could sing with you it would work but Mr. Schue said no. I'm neglected." I roll my eyes. I want to sing with Rachel at every moment in glee club but Mr. Schue always turns it down. 

"We both get solos for the night of neglect. What's better than that?" Rachel smirks and I pull into the empty driveway. My mom stays out at work late every night. She has been doing it since she kicked dad out for cheating on her with a tattoo artist and most importantly breaking our family apart. I guess its for the best that he left because I got to move back in. My mom and I aren't completely back to our old mother daughter relationship, its more like a relationship you have with that one aunt you see a couple times a year. I don't try as hard as I should but at least I get to be back home.  

"You're better than solos." I admit and turn off the car. I quickly walk over to the passenger side door and open it for Rachel. 

"Thank you." Rachel pecks me on the cheek and there is light electricity where her lips touched my face. We walk into my giant house and up to my room. "Your house is gigantic Quinn." Rachel plops down onto my bed. I smile. 

"That's what everyone says." I change my clothes into a white WMHS tank top and red cheerios sweat pants. I turn to Rachel and she is ogling at my body as I change. I walk over to Rachel and climb into bed next to her. I wrap her small body in my arms and run my hand up her tan arm. She shivers under my touch. 

"Your so beautiful Quinn." Rachel puts her hand on my stomach and rubs lightly, I release a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Your legs are so beautiful and your back, your stomach, your everything is perfect." Rachel hums and I place my hand on her chin to make her look into my eyes. Her big chocolate eyes stare at me almost like she is begging. 

"Your plump lips are perfect." I compliment her back. "Your arms." I run my hand down her arm making her shutter again. "You're so invigorating." I lean down and place my lips against her. I pucker my lips on her's for a second before deepening the kiss and getting lost in Rachel. She lightly runs her tongue on my lip begging to get into my mouth, I part my lips and Rachel rams her tongue into my mouth. One of us moans and I can't tell which one it was, maybe it was both of us. I love the flavor of her mouth on mine. She breaks the kiss and I groan, she moves her lips to my neck and sucks lightly on my tender skin. Oh shit Santana and Brittany are going to be here in like an hour. Oh shit we have to talk about prom. My mind tries to think as Rachel leaves open mouth kisses on my neck, leaving hot trails as she goes. 

"" I muster up not knowing what she is doing with her mouth but is feels so good.

"Don't ruin the moment." Rachel says in between kisses. She moves back to my mouth and works her magic on my lips making me moan. I feel the fire in my stomach start to grow. 

"We have to get this over with." Not wanting to but I pull back. "We have to finish this conversation Rach." She nods. 

"You're right" She wiggles out of my grip and sits up on the bed. I prop myself on an elbow and run my hand up her thigh. "So..." Rachel looks up at me with disappointment in her eyes. 

"Rachel." I immediately try to calm her nerves, I hate letting her down. Before I start to talk she interrupts me.

"Why Noah?" She pleads. "He is long gone in your life. I mean you had a baby out of wedlock with him. Dated him kind of, lived with him for a couple months. Noah is my best friend but I know how he treats girls and what he can get from them. He is so bad for you in so many ways. We are together you shouldn't even be seen with him. And..." I interject. Her words are true but it hurts my feelings that she doesn't think I can care for myself. 

"You shouldn't be seen with Finn." I rudely remark knowing she is friends with Finn. Jeez she has a lot of guy friends.

Party for two (Sequel of the Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza)Where stories live. Discover now