Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV 

      Quinn practically drags me to school after her mom woke us up for some reason. Quinn and I walk into school with our arms intertwined. We first walk over to Quinn's locker as we do Brittana approaches us. 

"Hey girls." Quinn greets them before opening her locker. 

"Are you gonna tellz us why when Britts and I woke up your mom kicked us out?" Santana crosses her arms and stares at Quinn. I turn my head and laugh knowing we should have kicked them out a lot earlier. Brittany starts before Quinn can explain. 

"It was like at 8 pm and your mom was like why are there so many lesbians in the house. I told her I wasn't a lesbian that I was a both and she didn't care." I laugh even more while avoiding Quinn's gaze, she nudges me with her elbow which makes me laugh even more. The girls stare at us waiting for a response. I take a deep breath and stop laughing. 

"I'm sorry my mom harassed you." I squeal trying not to burst out laughing again. It's all Quinn's fault she is getting yelled at by Santana and Brittany because I tried to tell her to kick them out but no 'They'll find their way out.' I try to contain my laughter. "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again." Quinn glares at me shooting daggers with her eyes because she is getting extremely fed up with me laughing. I take a deep breath and straighten my back ending my hysterics to please my girl. 

"It's cool." Santana shrugs. "I only did this because I knew the troll was going to laugh at you, she has weird humor." Santana and Brittany spin around with there pinkies linked and walk away. I try to scream I hate you but Quinn holds me back. 

"Get used to it Rachy baby they do this all the time." Quinn spins me around so she looks at me in the eyes. 

"I'm trying to understand those 2. Its like they are aliens." I admit into Quinn's neck while she holds me. 

"Tell me about it we have been best friends since 8th grade and I have no idea what's going on on there head. And they are so in sync, it feels like I am left out of a whole conversation when they give each other as much as a look." Quinn says and pulls back from our embrace. We start 
walking to class together, first period we don't have together but I know she is just down the hall. 

"Want to give them a run for their money?" I give Quinn a smirk. 

"We are going to be so much worse. Just give it a few days maybe a week." Quinn says confidently and I don't deny it. I drop her off at class before going to class and sitting next to Noah.  

     On Thursday the day before the night of neglect everyone sits in the choir room. Quinn sits by the girls across the room while I sit next to Noah. I lean forward for a second meeting her eyes. I wink then sit back into my chair.  Mr. Schue comes strolling in 15 late minutes as per usual.  

"As its the day before the night of neglect I want to give you all time to practice your performance. I want half of you in here and half in the auditorium." Mr. Schue instructs. Somehow Noah, Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Finn and I all ended up in the auditorium without any supervision. Meaning we are on sitting on the stage laughing instead of doing actual work. 

"You guys are inseparable, before and after school even during school." Finn talks about Quinn and I. Quinn wraps her arm around me and I lean into her.  

"If you are taken apart from each other your always talking about the other, while at least Rachel is." Noah joins in. We share first period together without Quinn and I don't think I stop talking about my gorgeous girl ever. 

"I'd say you two are worse than..." Finn stops to build the tension and we all lean into hear what he has to say. Say it tall boy. "Santana and Brittany." Finn huffs out. I immediately high five Quinn and Santana protests.  

"They will never be on the level Britts and I is on." Santana snaps at Finn and Noah. 

"I think we already are." I raise my eyebrow to protest her. Quinn pulls me back and whispers. 

"Don't" Quinn grinds her teeth warning me not to press Santana's buttons but I press on. Santana eyes me and stands up. I continue my barrage on her to get back at her for making me laugh at Quinn a couple days ago.

"Yeah the boys said we were worse they must be telling the truth." Quinn tries to hush me as I test her best friend. "Does that mean I am better than you in more that one way." I snark referring to my singing abilities and what the boys said. Santana breaks and starts to run at me. I flinch and Quinn puts her hand up to defend me. Finn and Noah get up and hold her back. Brittany finally speaks up after watching all of this unfold before her eyes.   

Party for two (Sequel of the Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza)Where stories live. Discover now