Chapter 6

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Quinn's POV 

     I run all the way across the school to the auditorium where I know nobody will bother me. I sit on the stage and start to ball my eye balls out. Who the fuck does Lauren Zizes think she is, why would she expose me that bad, I didn't even slushie her freshmen or sophomore year. I cry by myself for a few minutes before I hear footsteps behind me. I turn and see Rachel. Oh god what does she think of me. Rachel sits next to me and holds a torn piece of paper in her hand. She wraps a protective arm around me and peers down at the photo in her hand. 

"I have a photo of you on my vanity. Its a really nice photo." Rachel looks at me with slightly watery eyes. "I want to change it with this one." She holds up the torn piece of paper in my face, its from the Lucy Caboosey poster she ripped up. Its just my face. 

"She is hideous." I wipe my tears away. 

"She is gorgeous. You know why?" I shake my head. "Because you can really see her. I know this girl, its who I fell in love with. My little Lucy Q." Rachel smiles, she has such a way with words. 

"I love you so much." I pull Rachel into me and kiss her passionately.  

     The next day, Friday, at school I walk past a group of larger girls who are looking at a Lucy Caboosey poster.  

"Holy crap its her." I turn my head and see the middle blond looking at me in amazement. 

"Totally." The redhead says. 

"You have our votes Lucy." The Latina on the end says.  

"Thanks." I say and smile. "I'll try not to let you down." I whisper to myself. I don't understand why they like me more now, is it because I was like them? Zizes walks up besides me, great what does she want now. 

"This just in Jacob Ben Israel news Queen pool has you up by 40%." Lauren gives me a lucky you look and admits defeat. I stop walking and turn to face her. "I suppose I had that result coming. Its not cool what I did to you and I apologize." I smile on the inside and keep a tough exterior. 

"I respect you. I had to get a nose job and go on a crazy diet to walk around this school like I own it." I shrug. "And you just do it." I give the evil bitch a light smile, does not mean we are cool. 

"Well I have to admit I have considered going blonde." Zizes smiles. Fuck this chic she is not stealing my look but I stay polite

"I'm not so sure red, maybe." Zizes wraps her giant arm around me. 

"That's a great Idea." Zizes and I walk down the hall. How do I get out of her grasp, I see Rachel. 

"I gotta go Zizes that's my girl over there." I break out of her hold on me and run to Rachel. "Hey babe." I sneak up on her and scare her a little bit. She jumps and spins around. 

"Hey you ready for the Born this way?" Rachel asks with giant eyes, I don't think she could be anymore excited for this. 

"Yes come on lets get to the auditorium." I grab Rachel's hand and we walk down the halls to the auditorium. The glee club, besides Santana for some reason, all stand on the stage while Mr. Schue gives us a quick pep talk. While Mr. Schue talks Rachel pulls my hair into pig tails at the back of my head. I know I look ridiculous but Rach likes it so I'll keep it in during the performance, since she can't do it because of her nose injury. Mr. Schue reveals his t-shirt and it says butt chin on it. We all laugh. 

     Kurt starts off the number. Then we all slowly join into to Lady Gaga's Born this way. Mercedes and Kurt absolutely killed it. About half way through the number Rachel jumps in and I give her a giant hug before continuing the dance. Soon Mr. Schue and Ms. Pillsbury join in with us.  

     Rachel and I walk and hand together to our next class, English we share it with Britts and Santana. We stop just outside the door so we can talk some what privately. I wrap my arms around Rachel's waist and she buries her head in my neck. 

"You did amazing out there. I have never seen you own a stage like that before." Rachel compliments me and I feel warmth of happiness deep down. 

"You also did a good job even if it was for 30 seconds." I laugh and I know Rachel is rolling her eyes at me. 

"When did this happen?" Kurt stops in front of us, Mercedes is clinging to him. 

"It started the night of the party I guess." I say and look over at Mercedes. "You are the gossip queen of this school and you didn't tell your best friend?" 

"Kurt is to busy talking about Blaine the whole time." Mercedes puts a hand on her hip and rolls her eyes. 

"Blaine?" Rachel and I say in unison. Kurt huffs. 

"I guess we all have to spill at lunch next period." I laugh. 

"Apparently." Rachel says and releases our hold. She takes my hand we walk into the class. 

"Late again girls." The teacher spins around in her computer chair. 

"Look we're not." I point my finger up and the bell rings. "Ta-da." Rachel and I scramble to the back of the room laughing. Everyone in the room sits in rows of desks while the 4 of us sit at a table in the back. We comfortably take our seats next to Brittany and Santana who are drawing in a coloring book with mascara and purple crayons. 

     My mom won't be home next Friday to Sunday she has a business trip. Maybe just maybe we can have another glee club party. I laugh thinking about how crazy the last glee club party was, the one at Rachel's. Rachel leans into me. 

"What's so funny?" Rachel meets my eyes and scrunches her nose. 

"I have an idea." I giggle and bite my bottom lip. Rachel immediately drops her expression. 

"What?" She is not happy with me right now. 

"Want to have a glee club party next Friday at my house?" Rachel's jaw drops and I know she is going to say no but its not her choice. As my girl opens her mouth to talk some sense into me Santana interrupts. 

"Did you say party? I have been looking to getz my party on." Santana instantly lights up.  

"Yes I did next Friday my house at 6." I don't know if I want to bring alcohol or not. 

"Ooh can Sani and I bring drinks?" Brittany's bubbly tone is used as usual.  Rachel looks at me in disarray. I whisper to her. 

"Babe I got this handled." I speak up so Britt and Santana can hear. "I'm still deciding, maybe. Get back to me in a couple days." 

"You know I will." Santana barks and gets back to coloring with Britt. Rachel pulls me down to her eye level. 

"I'm not going if there is alcohol, I don't want to go in the first place. This is not okay." Rachel snaps. 

"We are not an old married couple." I clap in between the words. 

"Your right." Rachel scans my face and stops on my lips. "You're really hot, wanna make out?" I respond by pressing my lips against hers hungry for more. Rachel controls my lips and runs her tongue along my top and bottom lip. It just occurred to me we are in class, I slow down the kiss a little. 

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