Chapter 11

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Rachel's POV 

     The next day at school Finn approaches me and is not happy about Jesse, who is at this point. He thinks Jesse is going to be my date which isn't true at all since I am with Quinn. I tell him he is going to join our prom on a budget plan. Finn doesn't trust Jesse neither does Quinn. I tell Finn that Jesse is not that bad and we are just going to prom as friends. Finn admits he doesn't want to go to prom because Lauren Zizes is making him campaign for them to be prom King and Queen. I tell him it can't be as bad as Quinn its all she talks about and I can't imagine what she is putting Noah through to campaign for them. Finn says they are going to be going as dates, won't Noah be mad about that they kind of still have a weird thing going on. He says he doesn't even know what kind of wrist corsage to get her, neither do I Lauren is a mystery. But I know what to get Quinn, a gardenia with a light green ribbon around it to match her eyes. I leave the conversation there and walk away as Finn watches me go. 

     The week flies by in a flash all I really remember about the rest of the week is that Kurt is bringing Blaine to prom, how cute. And Quinn telling everyone in sight to 'Vote for Quinn'. I sit at my vanity and pin my hair up into a ponytail. I curl my ponytail because it looks extremely limp if I don't. I put on some light makeup so I don't look over done, and so I don't distract people from Quinn's beauty. I stand up and look at my long light pink dress in the mirror, its flowy on the bottom and is strapless. I look beautiful I say to myself and smile in the mirror. 

"Come on honey." My dad calls me from downstairs. 

"Coming." I grab the corsage box off of my vanity and meet my dads' down stairs. I can't sit still the whole drive over to Quinn's house. Once I arrive I tell my dads' they can leave and they do just that. I take in a deep breath and knock on the door. I hear light footsteps from behind the door just before it opens. Quinn's mom, Judy, appears. 

"Come in come in." She ushers and I step into the large house. "You look beautiful Rachel." I give her a light smile. 

"Thank you Ms. Fabray." 

"Oh sweetie its just Judy." Judy smiles and calls up to Quinn. "Quinnie your date is here." I smile at the childish nickname. I take a deep breath and step in front of the stairs waiting for my beautiful girl to come down the steps. I hear clicking and close my eyes not wanting to spoil the moment. I open my eyes and see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life walk down the stairs. I stand in awe as she slowly approaches me while making a grand entrance. 

"Wow." I say under my breath and both Fabray ladies hear me and smile. "Your the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life."

"You look just as beautiful." Quinn meets me at the bottom of the stairs and I hand her the box in my hand. 

"Let me get my camera." Judy quickly walks off somewhere in the big house I barely register her leaving all I see is Quinn in her gorgeous light blue dress and her blond locks in some kind of up-do. Quinn reluctantly opens the corsage box. 

"It matches me eyes." Quinn bites her lip and takes the flower out of the box. 

"I know, that's like the whole point." I nervously laugh while taking the flower out of her hand. I gently wrap it around her wrist. Quinn eyes me with her beautiful hazel eyes and leans down to kiss me. I pull back before our lips touch at the sound of her mom coming back with a camera. 

"Picture time." Judy puts an hand on Quinn's bare arm. "You look like Cinderella." I couldn't have said it any better. We step a couple feet back and I wrap my arm around her waist and she puts an arm on my shoulder. I instinctively lean on Quinn's shoulder and she rests her head on mine. After a couple formal pictures Judy makes us pose in a couple different weird ways, like one on the couch and another of us kissing. Which was pretty awkward at first because she kept making us kiss over and over and over again. Soon Quinn and I were making out carelessly in front of her mom while she took a picture. I pulled back from Quinn at the realization and we laugh at her mom quietly. 

"You ready to go Rachy baby." Quinn takes my hand and leads me to the door, I nod my head and we leave. Quinn stops by Mercedes house then the motel to pick Sam and her up. We go to breadstix and Jesse is already there waiting at a giant round booth for us. Quinn tenses up at the sight of him but I draw her close to me effectively calming her down. The 4 of us all sit down next to Jesse and start some light conversation which turns hostile once Finn comes around. He is all alone for some reason.

"You guys look amazing." Finn smiles at all of us but when he lands on Jesse his expression drops and a scowl forms. "Hey Jesse what did you order scrambled eggs." Finn gives him a fake smile. "I mean I know you usually like them served on peoples heads." I hear Quinn say preach under her breath.

"Finn shut up." I warn him and I don't think he even registers me.  

"Tell me if you need any help dancing tall boy or I can just run for prom King and beat you." Jesse taunts back. 

"Okay boys you're totally ruining the vibe." Mercedes says to Jesse then moves to look at Finn. "Finn you look handsome. Love you but get lost." Finn rolls his eyes and walks away. "Alright this is going to be off the hook." Sam pounds the table 

"Who's ready for some prom." He scours the table. Quinn claps her hands together. 

"I'm ready for prom." Quinn replies and holds up her cup. We all cheers and take a sip of our drinks. The food comes quickly and we finish it just as fast so we can get our prom on. 

     Once at prom Noah and Sam are singing 'Friday' by Rebecca Black, not a good song. Quinn and I get on the dance floor and start dance up on each other. I spot Kurt and Blaine and make them join us. 

"Hey ladies you guys are looking fierce." Kurt compliments as we start dancing. 

"Thanks Kurt you both look very handsome." I compliment back. 

"Love the kilt." Quinn winks at Kurt and they have a quick giggle. We dance to to the whole song and there is a pause as the singers switch. "Hey Rach I am going to go get punch and cool off I don't want to sweat my makeup off." 

"Okay I'll be here dancing." I grab her arm before she walks off. "I have to sing after Santana finishes whatever song she is about to sing." I inform Quinn and she nods her head and walks off. I look up at the stage as I do Santana begins to sing '212' by Azealia Banks. I start absolutely vibin' and dancing careless. Santana leaves in all the bad words besides the n-word which she replaces with bitch. Kurt, Blaine and I do this thing with our fingers when Santana sings 212. We put up both of our fingers when she says 2 then drop our pointer finger leaving our middle finger when she says 1 then put our pointer finger back up to signify 2 when she says 2 again. Its such a quick motion no one realizes what we are doing. As I am dancing I see Quinn smiling at me from a couple feet away at the table and chairs. I start seductively dancing trying to pull her back into dancing with me. By the time the slow part, about 2 minutes into the song, comes on Quinn is next to me and dancing all up on me. I slowly back up and grind my behind into her hips. Blaine is doing the same to Kurt. I look up to Quinn and she draws her mouth to my ear. 

"But Kurt is the bottom." The bottom? What Kurt is standing. I look at Quinn in confusion. "Just get back to dancing." Quinn instructs and I do just that. I dance like no one is watching and Quinn is the only I can see and feel. After only a couple seconds the song ends and I have to go up and sing a slow song. 

"I gotta go sing." I peck Quinn on the lips and leave the dance floor. I turn back and see her also leaving the dance floor but she goes back to the table and chairs and smiles as I walk onto the stage. The slow music to 'Jar of hearts' plays and I start singing. As I sing I look around the room, Finn and Jesse are glaring at me with sorrowful eyes. I avoid eye contact with them both and move to see Quinn grinning at me from across the gym and I sing the rest of the love song to her. After I finish the song I run off the stage and to Quinn to kiss her but before I can reach her Jesse steps in front of me. 

"Can we dance?" He gives me a charming smirk. "Just one song Kurt's boyfriend is singing it." I see Quinn over his shoulder. 

"One second Jesse." I break away from him and meet Quinn. "Babe its one dance." I plead. 

"I'm not stopping you am I?" Quinn gives a sympathetic smile. I give her a quick hug and turn back to Jesse St. James. He grabs my hand. 

"May I have this dance?" Jesse looks down at me and smiles.  

"Yes." I giggle and he pulls me into the crowd. A couple feet away I see Quinn dancing with Finn. Wait, where is Noah? I haven't seen him in a while. As I dance with Jesse to the upbeat song Blaine is singing I search the large room. I spot my best friend talking up Lauren Zizes, of course he is. I look into Jesse's eyes and smile he takes that as a sign and ducks his head into me neck. I push his shoulders back. 

"Stop." I try pushing but he keeps kissing my neck. 

"Oh come on you know you can't resist me." Jesse grossly coos at me. Jesse is yanked off me by Finn, thank god. Quinn stands next to me and comforts me. 

"What the hell are you doing that's not your girl." Finn yells and Jesse and pushes his shoulder back. 

"Your not her's either." Jesse challenges and stands up to the tall teen. They immediately start engaging in a push fight. One knocking the other over then bouncing back to push the other. Quinn and I try to step in between them to stop the fight but after a couple seconds of them not stopping Noah comes up and pulls us girls away from them. 

"Are my girls okay?" He asks and wraps an arm around each of us as we watch the escalating fight. Finn swings at Jesse and he moves back avoiding Finn's fist. Coach Sylvester steps in between the, ending the fight. She grabs Finn and points in his face. 

"Prom is over for you Sugar Ray." Their getting ejected. Sue turns to Jesse. " You too Marvelous Marvin." With that she takes the 2 men and escorts them out of the school. Another song is sung by Blaine but I don't even know what is going on. Quinn, Noah and I all sit at a table, Noah tries comforting Quinn and I. It works well until the song is over. Mr. Figgins walks up onto the stage and taps the microphone a few times. Quinn whispers to me. 

"Its time to elect prom King and Queen, we have to go." Quinn and Noah walk away.

"Listen, students attention." Principal Figgins announces. "Will the candidates for King and Queen gather on the stage." I see my girl walk onto the stage with a bright smile, she stands in a line with the rest of the Queen candidates. Then I see my best friend walk onto the stage with a smirk that makes him look like he owns the place. "This is the moment you've all been waiting for." Principal Figgins starts up again. "We will announce our Junior prom King and also Queen. Roll the drum please." I look at Noah and give him a big thumbs up. "This year's Junior prom King is..." I close my eyes and chant in my head Noah. "With an overwhelming number of write in votes is... Rachel Berry." 

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