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Bucky Barnes is focused on shooting the numerous robots that were coming his way. There was one who tried to come behind him but even from a distance, the man already sensed its presence and sent a knife made of Vibranium coming through its way. The knife landed right on its head, knocking the robot down. As Bucky was shooting the army of robots that were advancing towards him, he suddenly ran out of bullets and the gun he had in his hold was snatched out of his grasp, forcing him to combat with the robot hand in hand which resulted in his victory. Seeing that there was a clear space quite near him where his favorite gun lay that he had to ditch earlier because of the damn robots-there was only one problem left: he had to go through them.

Silently cursing his luck in his head, he didn't bother to think twice and just jumped on one of the robots which caused it to move desperate in order to remove the human. Bucky grabbed some wiring that he could easily see and pulled it, causing malfunction, as he jumped on the other robots, fighting face to face with all of them. Once he was out of reach, making it to his destination, he reloaded his favorite gun immediately and started shooting the robots again, finishing those that were first in the line.

In less than a second, the robots that were in the back of the army attacking Bucky were suddenly knocked off their feet and all were hit. Bucky lowered his gun as a walking Pietro Maximoff made his way towards him.

"You didn't see that coming?" he smirked.

Bucky managed a little strained smile, "Thank you."

Pietro only chuckled at him before speeding off towards the direction of where the Black Panther was busy fighting more robots. Pietro helped him finish off the robots before dashing off to circle the perimeter to see if there were more robots that they haven't picked up on yet.

T'Challa was running as he talked to Shuri in his earpiece, all the while hitting robots on his way, "Shuri, how far am I?"

"Not far, brother. But the Falcon is almost there. You all need to hurry up, he would need back up immediately. There's an estimated hundred of robots waiting for you there," her concerned voice said.

T'Challa was about to reply when a robot attacked him from behind. He landed on the ground and before he knows it, he was being hit and cornered by a whole lot of them.

All of a sudden, most of them were being pulled away from him as the Spiderman activated its instant kill option. He also pulled some of the away using his web and stuck them to the trees in the forest. The remaining robots that tackled Black Panther to the ground were all knocked off at a distance when the Panther used his Vibranium micro-weave mesh. He then resumed running but not before nodding in appreciation at the kid from Queens.

"You're welcome, your majesty!" Peter Parker exclaimed as he fought the robots. And then, tanks emerged and were seen coming his way and the Spiderman immediately started swinging away from the scenario. "Hey, guys! There's two tanks coming my way and another three chasing after the Panther! I need some help here!"

Missiles were then sent towards the tanks that were chasing Peter by the War Machine, causing explosions behind the Spiderman. The War Machine then fired at the robots that Peter stuck to the tree before chasing after the tanks following T'Challa and blasted them. "Boom! You looking for this?" he asked smugly as he stopped to watch the tanks explode.

Peter grinned, "Mr. Rhodes, awesome catchphrase!"

"Thanks, kid," Rhodey said before flying off towards the base Ultron was hiding at.

"Are you two planning on throwing some more catchphrases at each other or are you gonna help?" Sam Wilson yelled over the earpiece as he shot at the numerous numbers of robots circling him. He was already at the base and the amount of robots waiting for him took him by surprise. "I need backup over here!"

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