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The heroes in the room were all hushed by the terrifying revelation they have all only learned. If Abaddon was beyond a doubt trying to attempt a time heist, then what did he need that was so important that he had to go back in time? What does he need to attain in order to put his plan in action? What is he missing? And if this is truly what he's up to, then they're more unprepared than they had initially thought. They're in a much bigger war than they anticipated—maybe even the biggest war they're heading into.

It didn't make any sense though. If Abaddon's true schema was to tyrannize everyone, then why does he even need to attempt a time heist in the first place? What exactly is he trying to accomplish by doing a time heist? What really is Abaddon's true agenda?

Starlord stepped up with an agitated expression, "If that's the case, we need everyone here. We can't take any chances. This may be the biggest battle in the history of battles."

Doctor Strange nodded in agreement, "He's right. If everyone's here, we also have a better chance at finding out Abaddon's true intentions to defeat him."

Tony's gaze settled on Pietro who was standing in a corner of the room with his arms crossed over his chest, "Fast and Furious, where's your little witch of a sister?"

The Quicksilver rolled his eyes, "Stop calling her that," he warned seriously. "And they just recently settled in a house at New Jersey."

"Great, good," Tony said casually. "So here's what's gonna happen—"

They were all attentively listening to the Iron Man break down the plan when Maria suddenly came bursting through the doors of the room, sporting a rather distraught expression that didn't help soothe the already apprehensive aura.

"The Princess of Wakanda called. There are about a hundred dozen robots attacking them again," she said hurriedly.

Upon hearing the new problem at their hands, Tony didn't waste any more second and immediately told them the plan they must all strictly follow, "New Avengers, you go to Wakanda and eliminate those damn robots. Make sure none would get out alive. Lang, Hope, you two get Vision and Wanda. Hill will fly you there. If they don't agree, make them. Thor, you and the Doctor get Banner from India. Pointbreak, you know where it is in Kolkata. This guy can absorb powers so brute strength has gotta be one of our strong points. I'll get Red and Cap in Brooklyn and once you finish your missions—especially for those who aren't assigned to Wakanda, go to where I am. There's a huge chance Abaddon may come after Romanoff and if he does then he'll know exactly who the Avengers are. Does everyone copy?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Peter Quill interceded with a disbelief of a look on his face. He pointed to him and his team. "And what part do we play in that plan of yours?"

The Iron Man faced him with a stoic expression, "You and the rest of the Guardians are the most injured from being face to face with Abaddon. You stay here and contact Carol wherever she is. We're facing our biggest enemy yet—she'll want to be there for the fight. And no matter what happens, don't stop. While you're at it, see if you can find anything on Ultron. Junior and Abaddon are working closely together and if we find the robot, we find him. Once you get ahold of Danvers, contact us. If you find anything on Ultron, contact us. If anything tries to break into the Mansion, contact us. And if we need you, we'll call you. Does everyone understand?"

Strings of mumbled agreement were uttered while some managed only nods. But for the Tony Stark, that was more than enough. The terror, the nervousness, the unpredictability of it all—it was doing none of them any good. But he believed in their team, in this family. Together, he indisputably knew they can defeat anything that stands in their way. He just doesn't know exactly how hard they need to fight in order to win this time around.

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