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Birthdays never really meant a lot to Hope van Dyne ever since her mother disappeared and the remaining family she got left fell apart. But now, things have changed, and they've changed for the better.

Scott Lang knows Hope never liked fancy meals and restaurants. She may go to them especially if her work required it and she may appreciate it at times but truth be told, a simple homemade meal with her family at their house has always been enough. But since it was the last birthday she would celebrate as a Van Dyne-Pym, Scott figured it wouldn't be all too bad if they celebrate it a little bit classier than usual. Scott doubted a lot of things between him and Hope, and the day he asked for her hand in marriage was probably one of the most nerve-wracking moments in his life. Although he was sure she felt something for him, the one thing he was never sure of is if she wanted to get married—hell, he never even thought he'd want to get married again but getting down on his knees with a ring prepared to offer is what he found doing at the end of the day. The moment he heard her say 'yes' was one of the most rewarding and relieving times of his life and he can easily boast to the world that it was his day—their day.

It wasn't easy to convince Hope to go to the restaurant Scott called a reservation for but with the help of Janet and Hank Pym, it suddenly wasn't such a hard job to do. Scott wasn't shy with the invitation as well. He invited Cassie Lang, Maggie and Jim Paxton, Luis, Dave, and Kurt, and he was ecstatic to know that everyone agreed to come. By the time their meals were served, they were all laughing at a story Luis have shared. He really did have a knack for storytelling.

But that was until one whole wall of the restaurant got destroyed, making the whole place shake and crumble to the ground. Everyone immediately bolted out of their seats and took cover anywhere they can. Scott glanced at Jim who had Maggie and Cassie wrapped protectively under his arms and yelled at them to get out of the place. Luis, Dave, Kurt, and the rest of the civilians followed the direction of where they exited and upon seeing them gone, Scott transferred his gaze to Hope who he found was crouching over an unconscious Janet on the floor, debris surrounding her. His eyes immediately scanned the area for Hank who was hurrying over to his wife to help her up.

"Do you have the suit?" Hank asked in distress.

"No, no. But I have the EMP Communication Device. Maybe I can do something with that," Scott replied as he rattled his brain for coherent thoughts.

"Why didn't you bring the suit?!"

Scott stared at the older man in disbelief, "I don't know if you noticed but clearly, I can't fit in this tux if I wear the suit! If you just let Tony Stark make some adjustments and use nanotechnology on it—"

"Are we really gonna argue about this right now?!" Hope intervened as Scott put one of Janet's arms around him to help support her.

A cloaked figure suddenly flew down from the sky as they tried to get out of the destroyed restaurant. The four of them came to an abrupt halt as the figure stared at them and no one dared to move. There was something about this creature's presence that demanded obedience and he was one who simply radiated off despicability that made them rooted to where they stood. Suddenly, Hope, Scott, and Janet were pushed away from Hank by an invincible force that made them crash to the walls and debris. Scott, who was now on his stomach and had a terrible concussion, squinted his eyes to make out what was happening and saw the creature lifting Hank in the air. Scott did his best to move and get up but eventually, the darkness consumed him.

Using one hand, the figure was holding Hank effortlessly in the air like he didn't even weigh anything. Hank couldn't move any part of his body and he can slowly feel pain envelope his whole being, "Where are your Pym particles?" the figure asked in a deep voice that resonated in the whole place and that made Hank's heart beat faster in fear than it already was.

"I'm never going to tell you," he struggled to reply back but he succeeded in the end. "You're never gonna get your hands on it."

"Then your past shall."

Suddenly, the creature's eyes were glowing a color of dark blue as the same hue came out of the body of the scientist, emitting a horrible scream out of him. Each memory Hank ever had—ones he couldn't even remember anymore—flashed right in front of him and the cloaked figure saw everything Hank saw as he took his life force. The moment they got Janet back was playing in front of their eyes when a repulsor blasted the figure from behind, hitting him in the head and sending him flying to a wall.

Hank's body fell to the ground and he now lost all consciousness. The figure stood up from where he laid and faced the person responsible for what just happened. He narrowed his eyes at the person who blasted him as a mocking smirk took over his lips, "Anthony Stark."

"It's 'Tony Stark', doucebag," Iron Man said before shooting his enemy with his repulsor once more, and this time, with much more power.

The creature only stood still as he let the Iron Man hit him. By the time the Iron Man has shot the cloaked figure, his hands were already glowing with the blast the hero just shot him with. Before Tony could even react, the figure gave him a taste of his own medicine by shooting the blast towards his way. Tony immediately blocked this by using his energy shield. Before the Iron Man could retaliate, the enemy paralyzed Tony, making him incapable of any movement as he brought him to the air. The adversary stripped Tony off his suit until he was only in his normal clothes, his arc reactor glowing.

"Who are you?" Tony struggled to ask as his foe lifted him in the air.

"My name is Abaddon. And you will know exactly who I am. Soon," the enemy replied before his eyes turned to a color of dark blue.

Screams filled with pain were emitted out of Tony as the same glow came out of his body. Just like with Hank, his whole life flashed right in front of him and Abaddon came to be a witness to each one. As the memories of his resurrection played, a smirk came to the lips of Abaddon as he saw what the redheaded lady can do.

"My dear soul stone," he said gradually as his smirk slowly turned to a wicked smile. "I am coming for you."

Abaddon dropped Tony to the ground with just enough life force to keep him breathing but barely alive as soon as he felt ants crawl up his body. His eyes transferred to Hope then who had a terrified expression written all over her face as she kneeled beside Scott, the EMP Communication Device now in her control.

Abaddon simply smirked at the sight of her fright. He already got what he came for in the first place, he need not to kill them. Not right now. Not yet. Seeing the memories of the famous armored hero, Abaddon knew he has friends that would come for him. Friends he can turn to. And one of them would be who he has been chasing for all these eons ago. With Tony's life force connected to him, tracking him would be such an easy task to accomplish. Abaddon knew that sooner or later, his soul stone would be within his grasp.

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