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The War Machine dropped his explosives as he rounded the perimeter of the Kingdom of Wakanda, effectively destroying the robots that were able to get through the barrier. Ultron's army didn't have blood to spare but they surely had machines to waste. The robots destroy themselves as they pass through the barrier but there were those that repair themselves and charge at the heroes.

As he flied in the air, Rhodey saw that the Winter Soldier was being tackled by countless of robots. He immediately fired at the bots he detected and Bucky was able to break free when the amount of machinery considerably lessened. Rhodey then threw his war hammer towards Bucky when he saw that the Winter Soldier had smashed his empty gun against the face of the robot. He hit it again using the war hammer and Rhodey launched its repulsor at it to finish the job before flying away.

Bucky proceeded to use the baton to fight off their enemies but he knew that he had to have another gun soon. When he finished off the robots attacking him, he immediately talked into his earpiece, "Sam, I need a firearm!" he exclaimed as he saw another round of robots run towards him. He wouldn't have asked but he already ran out of guns and bullets.

The Falcon was busy in the air, too. He served as the eyes in the sky and he does his best to kill the numerous amounts of robots that the others on the land didn't see. Once he heard Bucky's request, he immediately landed on the ground and brought out a loaded gun which was snatched from his hand in an instant. It wasn't long until he was up in the air once more.

The Quicksilver quickly made his way to Bucky and handed him the gun he got from Sam before he sped off again. As he ran, he saw the Spiderman struggling to fight off the numerous robots even if his instant kill mode was already on so he figured he'd go help Peter out. After defeating the robots, the Spiderman quickly thanked him before swinging away from the scene.

As he went from one place to another, he saw Shuri fighting alongside the Dora Milaje. However, she was already being cornered by the bots and the members of the tribe were busy fighting their own battles so he used his web to get her out of her position. Shuri was screaming the whole time but in the end, he was able to land her on top of the running white rhinoceros lead by W'Kabi.

"Peter!" Shuri yelled as she fixed her position on top of the running animal. "You can't just suddenly do that!"

"Sorry, Shuri," Peter said in her earpiece. She can just imagine him playfully smirking underneath that mask of his. "I was just trying to save your life."

"Are you okay, princess?" W'Kabi asked as he rode the animal, knocking down a bunch of robots in the process.

"Never better," she answered as she used one of her Vibranuim gauntlets to shoot at the flying robot approaching them. When she brought her hand down, she saw her brother running past them.

The Black Panther was relentless in killing the robots attacking Wakanda. This was the second assault he received in the same month and it was doing his kingdom no good. They were still recovering from the latest attack from the same enemy and now, they were attacking them again with a bigger army. It was as if their enemy's plan was to make the Avengers so engrossed in the battle against them that they could no longer afford to leave Wakanda unattended. And just like the before, there was still no sign of Ultron.

T'Challa already saw the army of robots coming for him so he used his Vibranium mico-weave mesh against them. As the robots were thrown away from his direction, he grabbed the spear he saw on the ground and hurled it at one of the bigger robots that tried to enter the palace.

"Somebody get into the palace!" he exclaimed in his earpiece as he jumped and punched another robot. "We cannot let anyone in!"

"Right on it," he heard Pietro say.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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