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New Asgard has been doing well for the past year. There were no enemies that have been trying to conquer them and Valkyrie has proven herself to be an efficient leader by making sure to attend all matters that have been left in her hands by the God of Thunder. They even started to explore the concept of trading with Wakanda.

Valkyrie was talking with a resident Asguardian when she noticed the people around her start murmuring to themselves as they watched something behind her unfold. She decided to turn around and she found Doctor Strange closing a portal behind her.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with creased eyebrows.

The Doctor turned to face her, "We need Thor back at the Mansion. Something terrible is about to happen."

Thor and Korg were busy playing fortnite in the comfort of their small house against noobmaster69 as Miek served as audience to them. Thor truly was helping Valkyrie with Asgardian matters but once the lass told him he could take a rest, he didn't waste the offer Korg proposed to him.

"Thanks for dropping by, Thor," Korg said while intensely pressing on the buttons of the joystick.

The God of Thunder laughed loudly, "No worries, my friend! We will end this noobmaster69 together!" he exclaimed while Miek cheered for them.

Suddenly, Valyrie entered the house while opening the door with a loud thud, gaining everyone's attention. The sullen expression on her face didn't sit well with Thor.

"Valkyrie, wha—" the words died on his mouth when Doctor Strange entered the house next, the same grave expression plastered all over his face. Thor immediately stood up from his seat and headed towards their way, the game long forgotten. Noobmaster69 serving only as a memory. If the Doctor was here, there truly must be something urgent they needed to attend to.

"Doctor," Thor greeted, a strained smile making its way to his lips. He couldn't seem to give them a genuine smile since they both wore such serious looks. "It's nice of you to come here. Thank you for not transporting me out of nowhere this time."

"I heard you had..." the Master of the Mystic Arts trailed off as he looked around. "affairs to focus on so I thought it best to fetch you properly."

"Great, great," Thor said with an awkward beam. "I—uh, meet Korg and Miek. They're my friends here."

Korg stood up from where he was seated and offered a charming smile towards their way, "Hi, my name is Korg," he introduced before pointing at their other companion. "and this is my good friend, Miek. We were just beating—"

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I'm afraid we don't have time for greetings," Strange cut off, his voice sounding as solemn as his expression looks. "Thor, we need you back at the Mansion."

"I will go back," Thor said immediately. "But I'm still needed here in New Asgard. I was just playing because Valkyrie allowed me a break. Besides, I already told—"

"Thor," Valkyrie cut him off, staring at him straight in the eyes. "It's Abaddon."

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Gamora has awakened from her slumber and the first thing she sees is Peter. He was hovering above her with a worried expression written all over his face but once he saw her open her eyes, it quickly morphed to what you call relief.

Gamora gave him a little smile, "Hey."

Peter tightened his grasp on her hand, "Hey."

She turned her head to check the unfamiliar surroundings but her eyes landed on Nebula's body that lay too still on her hospital bed in Gamora's opinion. She tried to stand up immediately, determined to check her sister's condition but Peter held her back. He placed firm hands on her arms and stared at her with such intensity in his blue eyes that she almost drowned in them.

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