Chapter 9: The Ceremony Of The True Dragon

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    My father told me of a ceremony that a fully realized dragon will participate in

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    My father told me of a ceremony that a fully realized dragon will participate in. The ceremony gives the dragon a new name, a proper dragon name, my father's name was Alexander, but after his ceremony, his name was Cerafhan (serafon) my mother's name is Astella. Willow was going to take place in this ceremony in two days time, and her new name will be Sinafai. (Seena-fae)

       You will get a new color, and will be allowed in the black mists, an area in which you can only see a few feet in front of you, and the darkest monsters lurk, this is where we hunt for meat. Ishtell told me that they would rub a certain pattern on you with a white paint, and the paint will glow, and turn to the new color, like his pattern, it had a big swirl, with small dots, the swirls and dots were a deep navy blue, while his body was a sky blue with a glowing purple on the throat, where he'd heat up water and spit it out quickly. I should become a fully realized dragon when I turn 18, in 1 year.

My sister was going to her ceremony when someone came up from behind me, "Abby?" I turn, thinking it would be Ishtell, but instead, I'm met with a red dragon that had yellow belly scales, I looked into the eyes, and saw that one was a soft brown, and the other was a deep blue. These eyes where the ones that wanted to be so desperately picked, and the eyes that were the last ones I looked into outside of the cave, the eyes that seemed sad for me to go, the eyes of Wendy Smith, my best human friend.

Sorry this took so long! (I kinda forgot) I'll try to update daily now!

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