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They ran as fast as their legs could carry them, Kai felt as if he couldn't use his powers, he couldn't leave the others.  Their knees became sweaty, a small blur appeared in the distance, as they got closer the small blurr became shapes like triangles and and squares.

Houses, a village!

Giving each other glances, they all knew where they had to go, they ran with all their might, terrified of what would happen if they were caught. Kai was slow so he used his fire hands for extra support occasionally, Adam was the lead, constantly telling the others to hurry, the storm was moving forward quicker, and soon would have caught up with them.

" Come on ! We're almost there . " Mira yelled, adrenaline pumping.
" I'm trying, you know, I dont exactly remember asking to be chased by a massive sandstorm! " , Kai was clearly still traumatized from the events , and honestly, who could blame him?

They were brought into a game against their will, they had no idea how hard the levels would be, but at least they were players this time round. They had their powers, maps and medicine would work. Well, speaking of maps they hadn't even got one yet, so how they were going to make their way around would be a challenge. But Weird Guy would be around, right? Were they even allowed his help? They remembered last time, they shouldn't abuse his help.

They ran ,the village was right there, they tried , to keep moving but it was tough, until they finally made it, they ran through what seemed like air , but once they made contact turned out to be a blue hologram force field. " I'm guessing the storm will stop here. " Adam panted, wiping his forehead.

Mira nodded, Kai just rocked on the ground, regaining his breathe. " But remember , there should be a battle here, so don't trust anyone, and look out for what we came for. What we need. Unless it's a distraction, but it seems too early in the game for that. "
Kai and Adam nodded, whilst they all had their advantages, Mira was certainly the Mum of the group, she always put the care of others first, and definitely had a lot on her mind.

They all brushed themselves off, and walked around, looking for a character that they would have to make contact with, but the village was empty, there was broken windows and dried out crops, cracked floor. It looked like a nasty accident had happened, most likely a drought.

" What happened to this place? " Kai asked, curiously, he liked the backstories of all the scenes, he always thought The Hollow did a good job making the story.

" I dont know, but I dont want to find out, let's keep moving. " Adam finally advised, after long moments of thinking, and looking in the empty, broken houses.

They had all agreed the map should be somewhere, along with the bag, so they made sure to check every house until they finally came to a pyramid, which they hadn't noticed before.

" Now, I'm no expert but, I think our battle is in there. " Kai said, pointing a finger at the pyramid, which looked far too grand to be in the current setting. It was obvious they needed to get inside, but how? They hadnt looked around the dungeon they started in, they only tried to escape, what if they had missed something? What if they came the wrong way?

" Should we knock? " Mira asked, about to lay a fist on the entrance of the pyramid when all of a sudden the door pinged open and there was a monkey in an elevator.

" Wait a minute, I remember this, the pyramid car rental ! From the last game? "

" Adam, I think you're right! "

" Huh, they must be running out of ideas. "

Kai finally decided to join in on the conversation,  " The Hollow never runs out of ideas, there must be something in there that we don't know about, maybe it's a favourites episode? The fans vote for their favourite clip and it makes it into the game! " He remarked, shaking his head.

The monkey gave them all disapproving glares as if to say, " Get in the freaking elevator you worthless humans, gee , he's friendly. " Mira translated, reading the monkeys expression.

Well, he seems grumpier than usual.

Obediently they all got inside and tapped their feet to the elevator music, jazz, a classic hotel feature.
The doors opened with a ping and they were greeted with a familiar lobby, pale walls and dusty cobwebs underneath furniture. A blue essence about the place. Mind, they remembered it looking grander, there was no one behind the counter this time, they were about to turn around when they noticed the monkey had vanished.

" Hm, okay, weird. " , Adam and Kai nodded, as if to agree with Mira's statement.

All of a sudden the lights flickered and the room began to shake, causing the three to fall to the floor.

" Uh Adam, Mira?! What's happening? " Kai yelped rubbing his head . The lights finally went out for good and it was silence. " I'm afraid of the dark guys. " Kai whispered, feeling a hand attach to his wrist he jumped, " Its just me Kai, Mira where are you? " Adam asked, calling out.

" Mira? " they could hear distant muffling, they tried to follow the sound, Kai clutching onto Adam, full of fear. The lights suddenly filled with a bright glow.

They turned around and saw Mira being held by a skinny woman, the witch from their first ever game! But where was the other two?

" Hello again, dearies... "

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