.: authors note :.

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Hey :)

So like my reads are going up :)) only by like 4 people but to me that's alot , dont judge me it just is alright !

Anyway I just wanted to say thank you.

Also, I forgot to say, ima try make my chapters 1000+ words, I was scared i was making them too long at first so i made the second chapter shorter but now ima just make em long so you guys dont have to put up with ads. Dw I feel the pain 😔

Anyway how do you guys like the story so far?

Its moving slow as in real life people dont just immediately date do they? So I'm trying not to move fast. Hopefully by chapter 20 they'll have some fluff :)

But no promises ;)

Tbh I'm just genuinely enjoying writing the battles and story lines!!

What do you guys think is going to happen next?

Enjoy reading the next chapter!


P.s I love suggestions ;)

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