.: s e v e n :.

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" It's just polyester, but you like her better, I wish I were Heather. "


A small girl with shockingly bright purple hair stood in front of them, gently brushing the creases out her clothes.

"Adam? Kai?"

" What are you doing here? I mean not that it isn't great to see you. Its just a little bit , well , unexpected. "

Vanessa was listening to them while wrapping her arms around Kai's small torso, Kai was the only one out of the three that she ever really liked.  Well, at one point more than liked.

Kai had these amazing powers, he could control heat and flames just with a flick of his finger. It was mesmerising to watch him create ribbons of amber and red swirling around him.

He was also smart, really smart. He would be able to work out anything in a matter of five minutes, which also came in handy when they had to fix stuff. Overall the boy was amazing, he rarely got enough credit, he was always just seen as the frail boy with shocking red hair.

The thing is, Vanessa loved Kai. She really did. But she couldn't quite work out in what way. She always had felt an attraction to Kai but never got the same energy from him. She also knew he had parent issues that often caused him to have mental health issues. She would also have to worry about Adam.

Adam was really protective of Kai and Mira, and whilst Reeve definitely had awesome powers, Adam was the strongest emotionally and physically out of all of them. In fact, he was quite scary when he needed to be. He was broad and tall, with tan skin and black sleek hair falling over his eyes.  His sharp jawline could cut paper, but nothing was as powerful as his menacing glare.

Adam was the leader of the group, whilst the others wouldn't admit it, it was true. He was built to be a leader, his deep husky voice and battle instinct could scare off any enemies. He was scary, real darn scary when he needed to be, but around Kai and Mira he was the soft friend they had grown to love.

He was still the teenage boy who liked sports, gaming and going out with his friends. He was a complete teddy bear  on the inside, but only a few had access to this side, and Vanessa certainly wasn't one of them.

Vanessa. Whilst she could be bitchy at the most of times, she was actually quite breath taking. She had shocking purple hair and a matching set of blue and lavender eyes. She was a mischief maker as well, always getting up to no good, it was no wonder Adam couldn't trust her, he just had issues convincing the others she was no good.

" I'm not sure, one moment I was with Skeet and Reeve and then Mira appeared, and now I'm here! "

" Okay, so Mira's fine, they just swapped. What happened with you guys, are you all okay? "

Vanessa twitched slightly at the mention of asking if everyone is okay.

" Vanessa? " Adam pushed, noticing her small reaction.

" Its Reeve. He's different, angry that we're back , I've never seen him like this, he's kind of crazy. "

Adam nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

" He is determined to get everything done and over with, and he's not himself, he's really angry all the time, he just mutters angrily under his breathe for the most of it. "

That sounded like Reeve. The aggressive, sulky boy that everyone had grown to love over the years. Sure he could be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he meant well, he had sweet intentions.

To be fair, the situation was awful, I mean, who could blame anyone for loosing the last thread of sanity they had, the trauma alone would be enough to completely damage their mindsets. It wouldn't be easy for them, it never had been. Deep down they all knew that without The Hollow they wouldn't be who they are today, but if they could go back in time, they wouldn't have signed up. It was just one of those things. The sad truth. 

Kai finally stepped up, pushing a curly strand of fiery red hair that had fallen onto his cheek behind his ear, '' So, what now? '' It took him all his might not to stutter, Vanessa was glaring into his soul, she didn't mean it of course, but Kai's parents had gotten more aggressive over a few months since the last time they were in the hollow, it had really damaged his ego.

They all stopped to ponder for a few minutes. 

" Now, we keep going. "


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