.:f o u r:.

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Kai used his flaming hands to catch up with the others. The always left him behind, always walking ahead talking about the team, but never actually including the full team.

Kai sulked with his arms folded as he walked with them , " you guys always leave me behind. " he murmured, under his breathe as he didn't want the others to hear him and kick up a fight, especially as he knew he wouldn't last one minute without them.

Adam stopped and turned around, " Sorry okay? Walk faster." He joked, pinching Kai's cheeks as if he was a baby.  " Okay, its getting dark. We should probably set up a camp before we head into the next level. " Mira nodded in agreement and Kai just yawned.

He's such a mood.

(I said I wouldn't do these in the middle of the story but just to address, the italic writing is Adam's thoughts.)

They all gathered twigs, sharp small ones that would easily poke in the ground , and big leaves and moss. They generally used hoodies and clothing for beds but, as they had none of those, what could they do?
The sun was drawing in fast, they all decided they should quickly check the huts for any pillows or cushions, and were surprised when the pigs recognised them. They stuffed pillows, blankets and baked goods into their hands and then ushered them out the door.

Back at the tent everyone layed out their stuff. " Oh, they only gave us two blankets. " Mira yawned , " its fine, I have fire hands. I'll go without. " Kai offered, still feeling partially sad about the fact he wouldn't have a blanket.

Mira rolled over and was fast asleep, snoring , which just set the boys into a wave of silent laughter. " Do you want to share a blanket with me? This ones pretty big so it's not like we'll be touching or anything. " Adam offered, caressing the back of his neck, which he always did when he was thinking or nervous.

Kai yawned and nodded sleepily, climbing in a ruler away from Adam, and relaxing at the blanket falling over his shoulders.


Sunlight poured into the tent, the bright streams making a greenish tint in the room from the materials they had used. Adam was the first to wake up, he blinked open one eye and shut it, if no one else was awake then neither would he be, sleep was one of those rare luxuries in life. Especially in the hollow, so he wasnt going to waste it.

But sleeping when its bright outside is hard. He finally realised he wouldn't be able to sleep and fluttered open his eyes, rubbing them while yawning.
Kai was a few inches away from him, he was curled up small and still asleep. He was almost like a small child.


What did he even have left of his? The hollow had snatched it away, and now his teenage years too. There were so many things Adam wouldn't be able to do, especially now that there's a chance he'll die. His first boyfriend. His prom, getting a job. All these things just snatched and taken away in a heartbeat. It wasn't fair!

Soon, the others were rolling over and waking up, they all sat up and rubbed their heads, after all the fighting, headaches were a common occurrence. Like knives to the forehead.

" Morning. " Mira yawned, stretching her arms and getting up, the others doing the same.

" What time is it? "

" I'm not sure, but seeing as we're all awake and the sun is definitely out, we should keep moving. "

The three all nodded, having a plan of action was always handy, and they definitely would need to be thinking carefully this time.

They walked out of the den after eating a few of the pigs cupcakes and loaves. Everything looked normal. Beautiful even. It was hard to imagine there would be a boss battle about to destroy all of it.

To destroy homes.

The people living here were no different to how Adam, Mira and Kai were, just codes in the game. But they still had their emotions! They still had fears. The whole thing wasnt fun. Nor alright.

They missed their parents. Home. The smell of blueberry pancakes in the morning. Lemonade and hotdogs for dinner, and then sweet vanilla ice cream for dessert.

All those things they wouldn't know if they would ever see again. And yes, yes it hurt. But what could they do?

Politely ask to be let out the hollow?

No, they had to fight. Unfairly might I add. You dont notice how many dangerous things there are until one chases after you and tries to kill you.

But it seems like that's what everything was out to do.

After they had been walking for what seemed like half an hour, they approached a clearing in the woods, a small cottage made of sweets, lollipops and chocolate was in the centre.

" Dont touch anything. " Adam warned, only to hear a loud screech.

He turned his eyes to see that Kai was nowhere to be found.


And yeah, this was just a small filler chapter as I need to upload LOL. I literally have writers block but seeing all the comments is motivating me so I'm really trying , but the content is going downhill.

So I'll try working on my stories, but please, your votes and comments mean the world to me.its literally so crazy.

Love you all ! ♡


P.s my edit account is mrbobinskysrats on instagram, I'll be posting kaidam edits on there soon! ♡

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