.: s i x :.

564 19 1

A/N : woah, thanks for 1.12k reads!

The mist was now changing shape, hopefully it would be the last time. Adam was unsure as to what would be enough to scare him, until he was faced with two sets of eyes staring up at him.

Kai and Mira.

They'd been through so much together, of course that would be his weakness. They had lost loved ones, fought in dangerous situations with eachother, confided in eachother. They would definitely be his weakness. But how?

The figures became more clear, they were trapped on the floor, their hands tied together, tape around their mouths. Their helpless screams were drawn out by a third figure, just a dark hooded creature.

Struggling against the rope, the two tried desperately to wriggle free. Adam could only watch and try to do something. It wasn't actually happening but it felt oh so real.

Was he going to watch them die?

The creature was coming closer to the two, despite adam yelling curse words, and dragging his hands through the mist, it only faded and appeared again just as quickly.

But it isnt real.

Adam suddenly remembered where he was, The Hollow. The mist of fears. He turned his back and tried to ignore the screams and just fiddled with the rocks on the floor.

The screams were terrifying. They would definitely haunt his dreams, but he knew it wasn't real.


The fog slowly rolled away, the figures disappearing. That terrible nightmare was finally disappearing.

Mira and Kai.

Adam thought to himself, squinting to try and find them. The only thing he could see was a small blurr of red,  he instantly knew it was Kai. Smiling to himself he ran over and wrapped the smaller boy in a hug.

Kai was shocked but hugged back, his head buried under Adam's chin. Finally he broke apart and said , " Uh, where's Mira? " Kai looked around, expecting to see Mira there , greeting him too.

Realisation suddenly hit Adam and he cursed really loudly, kicking a stone. " A life for a life! To get you back she must have been taken! Fuck! " Adam wasnt a calming sight when he was angry, he ran his fingers through his sleek black locks and cursed under his breathe repeatedly.

Kai shuffled over, still anxious about how to approach the boy, he supportingly rested a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to snap him out of his angry moment.

The two quickly snapped their heads around when they heard a loud grumbling, and orange sparks were appearing out of nowhere, until they were greeted by a pair of bright purple eyes.

" Vanessa? "


This one is a short filler, the next will be longer as it's more eventful x

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