.: t h r e e:.

746 22 19

Word count - 1044 I'll try make it longer !

A green finger approached Adam, another approaching Kai.

Ah, we've found them.

" Come here my pretties, do you trust us? " The witches all spoke at the same time, cackling inbetween certain words. They had shrill voices that filled the room, where was weird guy when you needed him?

Kai flicked his wrists and a bright orange flame filled his palms, he had the best reactions when he wasn't nervous, so he kept mentally reminding himself he would be okay.
Adam on the other hand was born ready, he'd fought so many battles and remembered the witches being the easiest. Especially now that Kai had figured out his flame powers, things would be getting a lot easier.

Kai threw a flame ball at a witch, it soared through the air and burned the ear off his opponent, causing a high pitched scream to fill the room.
" Idiot! Fool! Imbecile! How dare you wound me! " She spat, her green skin flourishing red in anger. Adam gave Kai a thumbs up but was too busy dealing with his own witch to go over and congratulate him.

Mira on the other hand was throwing Karate moves at her witch, occasionally trying to reason with her because well, let's face it. Its Mira after all!

The three were winning, soon the witches were deprived of arms, legs, ears, it was obvious who was going to win.


After the battle, everyone was tired, once they defeated the witches, a map and bottle of medicine dropped from the sky in a satchel. " Huh, that's never happened before. " Kai reminded, his hands in a plant pot filled with water to cool them down.

" Are we not going to talk about why everything is repeating itself? The witches? The pyramid? The desert? What's next? "

" Mira, dont worry, its probably just a repeat level, so we'll be going against things we've already fought, maybe even a few new battles. " reassured Adam, with a deep raspy voice , " It'll be fine, I hope. "

But as much as Adam said that, he couldn't quite even reassure himself, he often forgot that if they died, it was game over. No respawn. No red pixel teleport to the real world. He was genuinely worried about it, but he hadn't had the time to often think about it.

How was this fair? How was it possible? The Hollow was a video game for teenagers! Not a stupid kidnapping season. At this point, everything always went wrong for them.

Maybe if we died it would just be better.

" Alright, we need to keep moving then. The sooner we finish this stupid game the sooner we get out, okay? "

" Yeah, I agree with Adam. I don't exactly like the current situation all too much. "

" But, where do we go? "

Yes, where would they go. They didn't have a mission yet, last time Weird Guy helped them get through the portal.

" Let's check the map, and see if theres anything different. "
Adam finally decided, pulling out a tea stained roll if parchment and spreading it out, only to see it wasnt as he remembered.

" Guys, this isnt a map, it's a riddle. "

If the next path you seek
Remember about the water creek
Flames of fire and danger
Dont forget the story manger.

" Huh, riddles aren't exactly their best point now. " Kai laughed before continuing, " It's obviously about the fairy tale land. The water creek? That's obviously about the river stream, flames of fire, remember the green flames? And story manger, manger as in the things that hold small kids, and then well, stories. "

Mira screamed in excitement, " Yes Kai! You're brilliant! " she ran over and wrapped him in a tight hug, Kai just stood there grinning and blushing.

Adam felt his fists clench in anger, he couldn't explain why, " Alright, yeah but how do we get there? " They all had forgotten about that part, the only option was to use what they had around them. They turned around to the counter only to see that the man was there, but he wasnt before? Clearly they had to talk to him, rent a car maybe?

" Uh, can we rent a vehicle? " mira asked, resting her elbows on the counter which earned her disapproving glares from the worker.

" the only item available is the porta~portal. everywhere you need to go in a single gun. Seven portals available. " the man dragged, he was talking painfully slow, and with no expression, almost like he was a zombie.

" We'll take it. " Kai said, walking over to the counter and helping Mira fill in the questions while Adam was in the corner sulking, for no apparent reason which is what confused the others. He was just moody. But then again he was these days.

The mysterious zombie man asked them questions before handing over a pistol with a clear pistol ball at the end of it, that contained what looked like a galaxy inside it.

" Just say where you want to go and fire. " He yawned, " Dont forget if the place doesn't exist then you'll fall into a void of never ending death. "

The trio looked at each other.

Hm, he's cheerful.

Adam put a finger over the trigger, after snatching the gun in a friendly but stern way, " Fairy Tale land. " he said, as he pulled the trigger and watched as an explosion of purples and blues erupted in front of him.

" Woah! Well, no regrets! " Kai said , as he marched into the portal, screaming " Wheeeeeee! " on the way down.


The Kai landed on the ground first with a thump, it was soft grass this time , which was nice for a change.
Mira came after, falling a metre away from him, and Adam came down last, landing on two feet next to Kai, and then helping him up after.

" How come he gets the cool landings! " Kai sulked at how the game clearly had favourites. Adam just laughed continuously in response, still clutching onto Kai's wrist from when he helped him up. Smiling, he quickly let go.

" Okay, fairy tail land. We can do this. Right? Uh, guys? " Kai asked, turning around only to see that Mira and Adam were already walking far ahead from him.

" Uh, guys! "

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