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" Mira, where is he? " Adam asked, back to back with Mira, looking around.

" Did he touch something? He can't have just disappeared? "

They had so many questions, one moment Kai was with them and then the next he had disappeared. Adam didn't even see anyone around him who could've done it. Where the bloody hell was Kai?

Adam was panicking. One life. Kai was not the bravest out of the trio. In fact, he was the most vulnerable. Yes he had fire hands but he was still the innocent boy who missed his parents and got scared of the dark.

If Kai died, so would everyone else.

The two looked around, desperate for this to be one of Kai's jokes, " Kai, come out now. Come on man this isn't funny. " Adam called out, after many attempts of looking around corners.

" Where is he? Did he get like, kidnapped? " Mira asked, after finishing talking to a few blue birds.

A blue mist filled the area surrounding them, plants wilting as it came to them. " Shit. " Adam and Mira pressed their backs together, wanting to keep as close as possible.

A faint evil chuckling started flooding their ears. The earth around them was changing, shifting! The ground was becoming more, multi coloured?

Some platforms were falling off, and the sky cleared its clouds, soon they were in an all too familiar situation.
The area around them looked a cross between fairy tale land, but certain chunks of grass were multicolored platforms.

" So, you wish to get your teammate back then, hmm? " came a sneering voice, but they couldn't locate where from. " You'll have to survive the mist of fears, but remember, even if you survive, it's a life for a life. " Came the voice once again, pausing inbetween each few words to cackle.

The blue mist was turning white, and rising to the top, forming clouds. At the blink of an eye there was a cube with an all too familiar face gleaming down at them. " 3...2...1...Poof! " He whispered, getting quieter each time.

He vanquished in a large bang, the clouds once again returning and surrounding them, " The mist of fears? " Mira questioned, " I think he means don't get scared, whatever happens it isnt real. So whatever you do, don't get scared. " Adam replied, after a brief minute of thinking.

He turned around , thinking it would be wise if they stuck together, but the only thing surrounding him was blue and white swirls.

Okay, atmospheric.

He noticed the clouds shifting shape, into what looked like two people, his parents. But they weren't smiling at him as usual, they looked disgusted, like he was a stain on a carpet floor.

" You're pathetic son. You're not gay. No son of mine is gay. " his father spat, walking around him in fast circles.

Adam had to keep reminding himself, it's not real. Its not real. But those words hurt him. The only thing keeping him sane was that he knew his parents in the real word accepted him. This was all just a stupid mist.

The mist was changing shape again, turning into three weird blobs now, but distinctive features could be made out, people. Children! Three of them to be exact. It didnt take a moment for Adam to realise they were his infamous childhood bullies.

Ugh, shitheads.

" Hey, Adam Wadam is looking really boring. Maybe we should put him in the dumpster, where he belongs. " Laughed the chubby brown haired boy in the middle.

" I'm not scared of a bunch of 10 year olds anymore. So scram. " he spat back, clenching his fists.

The mist would look upset if you could see its face. Not much could get to Adam. It was almost impossible.



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