Chapter 10 - Asleep

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"Alex I'm worried I haven't heard from her for hours. What if something bad happened?"

"You just always are thinking of the worst aren't you? I'm sure she's fine she's a big girl Lucy." I sigh and hang up on her. I just have a bad feeling in my gut. I feel like she's in trouble.

I try and shake the feeling off but I can't so I out Coco's vest on and we walk around the park Tierna usually runs in. I can't find her so I go to the trail was run on together and I am about to give up hope but I see her sitting up against a tree near the end of the trail.

"Tierna?" I walk closer and see she's asleep. I chuckle and wake her up. "What?"

"You feel asleep on your run. I got worried and came looking for you." She nods and stretches out her arms towards me. "Carry me?" I nod and pick her up bridal style.

She falls back asleep in my arms while I'm walking back to my car. I set her in the passenger seat and buckle her in. "No don't go." She mumbles and grabs ahold of my arm. "T I'm just going to go around the car and get in the driver's seat."

She lets go and I get in starting the short drive to the apartment.

A/N: Sorry this is really short...

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